Does BlackStar have to choke a bitch?

I have a friend in Georgia and when I was talking about possibly moving into a basement apartment she was all like "whaaaa? People do that in Canada?" And she didn't believe me until she looked it up haha.

I dunno, maybe it's just a southern thing? But Ugh was confused and it reminded me of the convo I had.
GiftedMonkey said:
UghRochester said:
BlackStar said:
So to those who don't know I live in Canada now with my fiance. We bought a house in September and it came with a tenant in the basement.
I stopped reading after this. What the hell do you mean it came with a tenant? Are you saying you bought the house and there was some bum that was sleeping in the base all this time?

WickedLiquid said:
Ugh, in Canada we have people who live under the stairs.

haha, I've talked to many American friends who can't comprehend a basement apartment. Only in Canada eh?

Dude, plenty of American houses have finished basements, apartments above the garage, and so-called "mother-in-law" apartments that frequently have tenants in them. The difference is, when you buy a house in America, its YOUR house, not "Your-and-the-wierdo-living-in-the-basement's house"

And side note: Who are these Americans that GR's Canadians are supposedly talking to and getting all their information about Americans? The things I've been hearing lately--"Americans have never heard of basement apartments," "Americans are taught they won the Vietnam War." Seriously, what the fuck? I might have to police this place wikipedia style and start throwing out [citation needed]s.

Yea man ive never heard an american come up with a ridiculous idea about Canada. Shut up.

Edit: my apologies the shut up was unnecessary. But you seem to whine a lot. Whining is annoying.
GiftedMonkey said:
UghRochester said:
BlackStar said:
So to those who don't know I live in Canada now with my fiance. We bought a house in September and it came with a tenant in the basement.
I stopped reading after this. What the hell do you mean it came with a tenant? Are you saying you bought the house and there was some bum that was sleeping in the base all this time?

WickedLiquid said:
Ugh, in Canada we have people who live under the stairs.

haha, I've talked to many American friends who can't comprehend a basement apartment. Only in Canada eh?

Dude, plenty of American houses have finished basements, apartments above the garage, and so-called "mother-in-law" apartments that frequently have tenants in them. The difference is, when you buy a house in America, its YOUR house, not "Your-and-the-wierdo-living-in-the-basement's house"

And side note: Who are these Americans that GR's Canadians are supposedly talking to and getting all their information about Americans? The things I've been hearing lately--"Americans have never heard of basement apartments," "Americans are taught they won the Vietnam War." Seriously, what the fuck? I might have to police this place wikipedia style and start throwing out [citation needed]s.

It's no worse than people here who learned everything they know about Canadians from South Park. Hell, until a few years ago I was pretty sure most Canadians were syrup farmers and lumberjacks and that their Mounties rode Moose(s?) that lived with them.

Cultural ignorance can be amusing.

P.S. Our house has the basement converted into an apartment. Family members are living there now but we used to have a tenant. While they were not as bad as this lady, it wasn't an ideal situation. I'd advise most people to avoid being a landlord if they can help it. As was said earlier, the extra income is not worth it if you get stuck with a terrible tenant.
I want to move to canada, can I be a tenant?

Just as an aside, I would check the contract you have and see what the written parameters for eviction are. If this is the case that she can only go due to rent...thats a weird stipulation.
I know, but Canada is fucked up and all they care about are the tenants.

Basically it comes down to unpaid rent, renovations and bringing family to live here. There's nothing in the Ontario Tenacy Act about Bitches be Crazy.
I was just thinking of a scene in Half Baked. They got a play and there was a guy staying on the couch.
Gave her a 60 day notice to GTFO by January 1st due to family moving in.

To anyone who had to choke a bitch, I feel you. For I had to evict a woman on the coldest day of the fuckin year. And this is Canada cold. It gets cold in NY so I thought I could take Southern Canada but holy fuck. You cross the border and you need to put on a pair of gloves and drink a hot double double at Tim's. Also it's on New Years Eve so she'll be spending it moving her shit.

I feel bad for chokin a bitch this bad, especially since growing up I hated landlords. But it was either choke or be choked. You gotta choke a bitch sometimes cause bitches be crazy. But the point is you gotta know whether you gotta choke a bitch cause she crazy or if you were out of line and bros be hatin. Cause alotta bros be crazy too and disrespectful to bitches. And when you're at fault, well, yout gotta let em be crazy at you.

Do we have any teens on GR? Write this stuff down. You find mizz right don't be a bitch, be a bro, she's not a ho. Treat her with respect. Other women be bitches who will choke you, watch out for them. And remember you're not alone, you're chokin bitchers for her too now. And maybe one day you'll be chokin bitches to protect your family.
....>consults Urban Dictionary<

How did she react when you gave her the notice?! Keep us posted, because I think this girl's still got some crazy left to show you.
intoTheRain said:
UghRochester said:
I was just thinking of a scene in Half Baked. They got a play and there was a guy staying on the couch.

yea.. yea me .. yea me too ugh, yea
Sorry, I post a lot when I'm tired. Either that, someone DOESN'T edits my post and makes me look like an idiot.

:wink: <3 Matt
cyberjim2000 said:
Bretimus_v2 said:
Yeah, you're in for an amazing treat when you go down there once she's gone. I'm calling this right now.

She's Canadian... it can't be that bad... right?

You'd be surprised. Not all of us are just good manners and maple syrup.

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