Does anyone else think this is actually pretty cool?...


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I'm sure you guys have heard of it already and it's old news. But my boss told me about this today, and I found myself shocked for sure...but pleasantly shocked! ... bath-salts


*smoke rises*

I read another news story on this yesterday and I was just mortified. How can you be eatin' on a person like that? And they had to put several bullets in him to make him stop (ultimately ending in killing him).

Messed up.
I don't know how justified the cop was in killing the dude though...My understanding is that the cop told him to stop a few times, but he didn't so the cop shot him.
Green_Lantern said:
I don't know how justified the cop was in killing the dude though...My understanding is that the cop told him to stop a few times, but he didn't so the cop shot him.

You're right, he should have continued to ask politely while the naked man continued to eat the homeless mans face, all the while the homeless man was still alive mind you
Fools! Now the hobo is going to turn, infect the hospital, and then...the WORLD! How didn't they see this coming?!
Icepick said:
Green_Lantern said:
I don't know how justified the cop was in killing the dude though...My understanding is that the cop told him to stop a few times, but he didn't so the cop shot him.

You're right, he should have continued to ask politely while the naked man continued to eat the homeless mans face, all the while the homeless man was still alive mind you

Last time I checked cops have means to take people into custody that doesn't involve lethal force....
Man, this is why one should never dabble in the obscure arts of PCP and bathsalts...face eating rage may ensue.

As for the cop shooting the guy, apparently after being ordered to stop he (the assailant) growled at the cop and continued with his "meal".

Oh and here's a picture of the victim [WARNING]: Not for the faint of heart!

GL, we're also talking about the state whose Stand Your Ground Law is causing a huge stir in the Zimmerman/Martin case.
Green_Lantern said:
Icepick said:
Green_Lantern said:
I don't know how justified the cop was in killing the dude though...My understanding is that the cop told him to stop a few times, but he didn't so the cop shot him.

You're right, he should have continued to ask politely while the naked man continued to eat the homeless mans face, all the while the homeless man was still alive mind you

Last time I checked cops have means to take people into custody that doesn't involve lethal force....

The man continued to slowly kill his victim, ignoring police orders, that's reason enough to shoot. Considering the first bullet was a non lethal shot, and didn't stop the man from eating the face, it's safe to say a taser wouldn't have done fuck all either.

And to be honest, if he's eating a mans face, odds are he's going to be unstable enough to fight with the cop should he try and cuff him.

Fucking hippies always screaming police brutality
Icepick said:
Green_Lantern said:
Icepick said:
Green_Lantern said:
I don't know how justified the cop was in killing the dude though...My understanding is that the cop told him to stop a few times, but he didn't so the cop shot him.

You're right, he should have continued to ask politely while the naked man continued to eat the homeless mans face, all the while the homeless man was still alive mind you

Last time I checked cops have means to take people into custody that doesn't involve lethal force....

The man continued to slowly kill his victim, ignoring police orders, that's reason enough to shoot. Considering the first bullet was a non lethal shot, and didn't stop the man from eating the face, it's safe to say a taser wouldn't have done f*** all either.

And to be honest, if he's eating a mans face, odds are he's going to be unstable enough to fight with the cop should he try and cuff him.

f****** hippies always screaming police brutality


While I'm curious to see the outcome of the Trayvon Martin case (which incidentally has nothing to do with police brutality as Zimmerman was a neighborhood watchman and was actually instructed by police to "not follow" Trayvon), it is pretty indefensible to argue that the cops shouldn't have shot the assailant, as a stand-off or even a moment's deliberation could have resulted in the man's death.

I believe it's standard procedure to incapacitate a public threat using deadly force if that threat is clearly endangering another person's life.

Now here's a question: From what I've seen and read, Tasers are extremely ineffective in calming down a situation, and appear to instead agitate the offenders to a higher level of violence. I guess what I'm asking is, why not tranquilizer guns?

Wow, I heard 75% of his face but fuck!

And I get GL's point, the guy is technically innocent as he was drugged up on something that was completely legit (well, fairly) as far as he was concerned.

But yeah, a man eating another guy's face - if any horror video game has taught us anything, you fucking shoot on site. Or ideally kill it with fire.
MattAY said:
Wow, I heard 75% of his face but f***!

And I get GL's point, the guy is technically innocent as he was drugged up on something that was completely legit (well, fairly) as far as he was concerned.

But yeah, a man eating another guy's face - if any horror video game has taught us anything, you f****** shoot on site. Or ideally kill it with fire.

I'm not saying I can't see GL's point, but intoxication is not in any shape or form, a defense

"I'm sorry your honor, I didn't mean to run over that Korean family, but I was drunk and therefore should bare no blame"

Moreover, the man apparently was previously violent with his ex wife, and was unstable to begin with, before the smoking of bath salts

and when the fuck did bath salts become the new craze, before this year I've heard nothing about getting high from em, now I've seen at least half a dozen articles about smoking them
Nothing much to add except for this: I think the Resident Evil 6 logo looks like a giraffe getting a blow job.
Mod-Chip said:
I guess what I'm asking is, why not tranquilizer guns?
Because a dose large enough to take down a 6'4", 250lbs man would kill a 5'4", 150lbs female.

It's incredibly hard to measure doses of any tranq designed to take down a human. Too little and said human's body will laugh at your pathetic attempts as is pumps adrenalin, and too much and the person will die.
There's also the problem of not working anywhere near fast enough. The person you've just shot could stab at least 3 people to death before they even start to feel the effects.

The police acted perfectly fine in the situation. The dude was eating the mans face.
If i was a cop and i shot him a couple times in the chest/limbs only to have him ignore me, i would scream ZOMBIE! HEADSHOTS! and make the ground near him a brain painting.

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