I've been putting in a moderately embarrassing amount of time into things. I've gone through each of the lords of cinder, but haven't turned them in at their thrones yet, so I can continue to explore. There are a surprising number of optional and hidden areas this time around, I guess they learned from Bloodborne.
I think I've fought more invaders as a Darkmoon and as a Sunbro summon than I've had to deal with on my own. I like to think that I've been helping some pretty chill folks, and perhaps people I've talked to anonymously online.
If I'm to have complaints, it's that enemy tracking is way too good, and the window for counter attacking is too narrow. I'm using a great sword and I've caught an enemy at the end of their combo, you would think they would stagger. More often, I get interrupted by a weak weapon and have to retreat, it seems they really toned down poise