

So Duke, in one of your manifestos a few weeks back, you pointed out the lack of the Crave bar, and said things were changing again. I haven't seen anything else about it, and i'm just curious what exactly the change is. So, can you enlighten us yet, or is it a corporate secret still under wraps, or did i just miss something about it somewhere else on the site?
before youtube, i watched all my videos at spikedhumor.... and crave owns spikedhumor. so i thought it was pretty neat how crave now owns the coolest gaming site out there... just wanted to say that.
it's all very complicated. we're moving to crave's parent company. if it all goes as expected (ordered) we'll all know more on may 5 when the site will change a bit. mostly just looks for now. the idea is apparently to have other sites join the revolution and fall under our iron fist... err... i mean banner.
New Forum Users! Woo Hooo.

Who is your codemonkey for the forums? I have some ideas (have had for awhile) that could make things more user friendly. Who do I talk to?
My guess is it's a bunch of the Crave owned gaming sites of little mention, like ThemePSP, XboxAchievements, MMOABC, Cheat Happens, Game Revolution, and Silicon Era.
Longo_2_guns said:
My guess is it's a bunch of the Crave owned gaming sites of little mention, like ThemePSP, XboxAchievements, MMOABC, Cheat Happens, Game Revolution, and Silicon Era.

Wait. GR is merging with GR? Isn't that a bit metaphysical?
Tyrranis said:
Longo_2_guns said:
My guess is it's a bunch of the Crave owned gaming sites of little mention, like ThemePSP, XboxAchievements, MMOABC, Cheat Happens, Game Revolution, and Silicon Era.

Wait. GR is merging with GR? Isn't that a bit metaphysical?

Isn't that a bit asexual?

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