Cop kills dog of INNOCENT man.


Animal gets shot, and basically you see it squirming about.

The only reason I'm posting it here is because it's shit what the man was being arrested/detained for, and I want it to go viral so I'm doing my part.

He's being detained for taking pictures of police cars basically. Who wouldnt take a fucking picture, and post it on their facebook or something.

It's police state bullshit.

One shot is all it would of taken for the dog to stop, yet he puts multiple shots in. Hell if he was smart, and knew what animals act like he would of known how to supress the dogs behavior. Stupid fucks.

Anyways it's self explanitory. Do not watch if you're sensitive.
Sourdeez had this on his Facebook. It is indeed very graphic. It gets me all teary. I said to Sourdeez they could have at least sedated the dog with a tranquilizer or something even if the owner hadn't done anything wrong. The only thing the dog did was know its owner was getting arrested and was defending the owner. The guy didn't resist arrest or anything. And the reason he got arrested is bullshit too. Truly feel bad for the man.
A comment I saw on YouTube said this
No shown in video: one of four rounds ricocheting off the sidewalk and hitting a small child in the house down the street watching the commotion from a window....
The man was only filming the police when they tried to arrest him. The dog did get loose and posed a threat. Its debatable if the dog was a life threatening threat or if he could have been handled with less than lethal force.
SourDeez said:
The supreme court ruled that we have the right to film the police. But police officers around the country are continuing to arrest people for it. So even though the people win the court battle later. They are still commonly harassed and detained, Have their images and video erased without permission, sometimes arrested, still have to show up to court, and in the end they are intimidated into not filming the police.

Cops have taser guns and tend to use them liberally on people. I've seen a few videos of police successfully tasering a dog without killing it. If you must use some kind of deterring force on a dog use a taser, not bullets.

You actually are more likely to be shot by a police officer in the U.S. then you are to be hurt by terrorism. Makes you wonder who the real terrorizers are.

Not all police officers are bad officers. They are supposed to serve a very specific role to the people. Not all officers abuse their power or harm other people or creatures.
But being a child of parents who worked in law enforcement and the department of corrections, there is what they call "The blue line". Officers will protect one another even when they fuck up because they find it a necessary part of the job. They will even go so far as to fabricat defenses, in reports of events, for other officers.

Here is the video of the man describing what had happened. ... 0804003001

And because I've been listening to a lot of music this summer.
"Don't trust the police, no justice no peace"
Yup - taser and no bullets.

I find it ridiculous that one guy shoots a dog, and everyone is going THE ENTIRE POLICE ARE FUCKING IDIOTS!
Shooting the dog just adds gallons of gasoline to the fire. Especially when this video is very graphic. The police were idiots when they began arresting the man.
Its also just part of a long list of times the police have shots dogs, Or unarmed men, harassed law abiding citizens, tasered people not resisting, Killed people with tasers, beaten people, Choked them while arresting them, Kicked people in the face, Dislocate limbs, Planted narcotics on innocent people to fill quotas,Pepper Sprayed peaceful protestors, Shot a peaceful military veteran, protesting at an OWS protest, in the head with a rubber bullet fracturing his skull giving him permanent brain damage, or letting a police dog loose attacking children and families.

I'm not saying all police are bad, but the U.S. has more than a few bad apples. Its still not over half of the police force, but the majority of good police officers will still stand on "The Blue Line" and protect other officers from punishment.

When a officer is punished it tends to be with paid leave.
UrbanMasque said:
Look at that dog. I love dogs. I would've shot the dog the first time he rushed.
For defense, yeah, but this whole incident happened over someone simply recording and taking photos of the situation. It didn't have to go down that way, but it did.
UghRochester said:
UrbanMasque said:
Look at that dog. I love dogs. I would've shot the dog the first time he rushed.
For defense, yeah, but this whole incident happened over someone simply recording and taking photos of the situation. It didn't have to go down that way, but it did.

yes the initial arrest and conduct was handled poorly, illegally even, but the act of shooting the dog in defense is not something the you can condem the officer for, it lunged, if it was a miniature dog, yeah I'd scream foul, but it's a large rot that jumped out a car window

It's a terrible incident, where it could have been avoided if the owner secured the dog properly, or if the police didn't detain the man for breaking no laws, but demonizing the actual act of shooting the dog when it lunged is not part of wether or not the arrest was legal

What kills me is them allowing the dog to writhe in pain, put it out of its fucking misery asshole, you had the stones to shoot it in the first place
Psuedo said:
Hell if he was smart, and knew what animals act like he would of known how to supress the dogs behavior.

I love animals so will not watch the video. But in fairness, it is no ones responsibility to know how to suppress a dogs behavior except for the owner. When I walk down the street I need to take comfort in knowing everyone who HAS a dog has learned how to control and train their dog. It isn't my responsibility.

Thats just silly my man.

This also isn't me defending the cop, I'm sure it was a bonehead move. I can't possibly begin to fathom the rage going through the man when his dog was shot and he could do nothing about it.
I can't watch animal abuse so I skipped on the video.

But once again guns prove that they don't solve a damn thing. I'm not using this as a soap box for my anti-guns point of view, but I wonder how this would have gone down in a place like London where police don't carry firearms.
Wes said:
But once again guns prove that they don't solve a damn thing. I'm not using this as a soap box for my anti-guns point of view, but I wonder how this would have gone down in a place like London where police don't carry firearms.
London police don't raid houses with flowers and kind words.
One of the MANY shitty things about Reddit - they let shit like this get way out of hand. Same with the terrible Boston bombing witch hunt.

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