Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protect Act was created in 2011 I believe. I'm not one to create threads like this, but I feel I should share what this bill is trying to day.
This bill will simply allow the U.S. government the rights to see what people are sharing through out the internet. It can be anything from game files, music, can even be pictures of you sending to your partner. It's like 1984 in my opinion. The government does not need to know. What I do on the web is my business.

EDIT: Glad to see Obama is threatening to veto this. ... ection_Act
The bill
Americans, your government is getting close to ruining the entire internet for the whole world. Letting CISPA and PCIP pass is pretty much admitting that you're cool with no privacy at all.

You have cheap access to .308 rifles and military level scopes.

Vote from the fucking rooftops.

Lamar Smith would be a good place to start.
I'm starting to get really pissed off at the age i live in.

On one hand, it's great. Video games, lots of music, decent cars, high standard of living everywhere, etc

But on the other hand, i can't help but keep thinking that if i were born in 1953 or so i'd be having a much better time right now.
Western governments have just become bloated with bureaucratic stupidity and this country is full of morons that think more of it, having the govt do just a little bit more, will make everything better.

Makes me want to learn parkour and start a courier business. :o
madster111 said:
But on the other hand, i can't help but keep thinking that if i were born in 1953 or so i'd be having a much better time right now.

If it were those days I'd have to eat at a different diner........ Congress passing bills on the internet, why are we trusting old people to handle things like this. Oh the American congress, why work when you can just argue
Delorean88 said:
Oh the American congress, why work when you can just argue
To be fair, i think politics works that way everywhere in the world.

Here in Australia, we have these big rooms where a bunch of people go to have a massive argument for several hours every day.

The big problems i'm having at the moment is that i live in a nanny state, and i was all set to move to another country like the US when my government started talking about thoughtcrimes, but it seems like every government around the world is filled with archaic dipshits who talk and vote on issues they know nothing about and want to invade the lives and privacy of every person on the earth.

The US is the worst with this. The US gets people extradited for committing 'crimes' in the US despite having never set foot outside their home country, all because of the internet. If the US is allowed to pass laws like these, the internet itself will die because nobody will risk being on it when you can get sent to a US prison for the rest of your life without trial because a big media company decided that you downloading 4 songs is equal to that punishment.
Shit...if this bills passes they're going to see the pictres I send to Longo...
madster111 said:
You have cheap access to .308 rifles and military level scopes.

Vote from the f****** rooftops.

Lamar Smith would be a good place to start.

If you were trying to sound like the psychotic guy from Norway then you did a good job. And by the way, Lamar Smith didn't introduce this bill so you may want to reign in that berserker rage of yours before you get too far ahead of yourself, my indignant friend.

If any rational people are looking for a sane way to disable CISPA then I'd advise contacting your Senators and voicing your displeasure about the bill. It's not difficult to do and if enough people jam up the phone lines about this putrid bill then you can slow it down- maybe even stop it entirely. If you're more prone to writing than a letter to your Senators would be the route to go or, even better, a submission to your local paper's opinion page. Google and Facebook aren't objecting to CISPA like they did with SOPA so it's going to be more on the part of individuals to stop the momentum of this thing before it gets too far along . They're trying to wrap this one up quickly in Congress and it's quite possible that veto threat from the Whitehouse would be retracted if a couple minor amendments were passed so merely lamenting this bill's existence won't do much to stop it. CISPA can be stopped but only if people actually take action to stop it.

I certainly wouldn't be opposed to the GR staff posting some info about this issue on the main page....
My guess is that if this passes, and can somehow overcome the inevitable veto by President Obama, which he has promised, I don't see the courts upholding it. The actual text of the law seems to allow them to basically ignore anything that has to do with the 4th and 5th amendments. I really find it hard for even the conservative supreme court we have today to allow this one by.
If Oprah has taught me anything about the US, it's that everyone is a pedophile. So maybe this is a good thing?

Seriously though, kinda scary how 1984 is slowlly becoming a reality. George Orwell was only 28 years off.
NickKmet said:
My guess is that if this passes, and can somehow overcome the inevitable veto by President Obama, which he has promised, I don't see the courts upholding it. The actual text of the law seems to allow them to basically ignore anything that has to do with the 4th and 5th amendments. I really find it hard for even the conservative supreme court we have today to allow this one by.

the status of the political leanings of the judges (who have been all over the place) doesn't really matter.

What does matter is that all of them feel in some way the government is the solution to the problem, when it is in fact THE problem.

That is what scares me.
NickKmet said:
My guess is that if this passes, and can somehow overcome the inevitable veto by President Obama, which he has promised, I don't see the courts upholding it. The actual text of the law seems to allow them to basically ignore anything that has to do with the 4th and 5th amendments. I really find it hard for even the conservative supreme court we have today to allow this one by.

The democratic party, for all its rabble rousing about rights and such, has always been a more staunch proponent of the "Big Brother" government. Sadly though, the Republican Party, which should be fundamentally opposed to any form of big brother, has lost its way and will jump on the train. When Obama is inevitably re-elected, he'll likely have an opportunity to place 2-3 judges in the Supreme Court. There are a lot of bills that are being backburned for a later time, and I wouldn't be surprised if this winds up being one.

This is what, the 2nd or 3rd "controversial" bill to come through during the current election year cycle. Obama and most of the other clowns from both sides of the aisle will claim they are against this tooth and nail. Till all the campaigning is done and the election totals are in, then it is business as usual.

The day at the poll is coming soon, hopefully all registered and eligible voters on this board are participating.

As far as my opinion on the matter. Not just government out of my internets, government out of everything.

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