The Stop Online Piracy Act discussion

If I was ever a President, and we as a nation had cause to use a nuclear weapon, I would take the launch keys and stick it down the front of my pants, then use it to launch. It'd be like teabagging the enemy, with a nuke.\

Edit: What are we talking about again? Oh right, yeah this bill sucks. I sent off my e-mail a few minutes ago, it's like four pages long.
I emailed both my Senator and Representative about this and called my Representatives office stating my concern. Haven't gotten a reply from the emails but on my last call I was told by, who I guess was just a secretary, that they are taking my concerns under advisement and that (after saying that if this bill ever became law that all major government agencies will be attacked by hackers constantly) the government doesn't comply with terrorist and that any further contact with their office would result in police action.
I don't think she realized I was just trying to give a heads up about the royal shit-storm that would ensue and that I hadn't planned on taking out my own frustration in that way.
So, after a week of trying to figure out what I was more pissed off about; not being represented by my representative or this whole steaming shit on the first amendment, I decided that after Thanksgiving I will be calling his office daily until either I speak to him directly or I get arrested for trying to have my representative hear my voice. Whichever comes first.
danielrbischoff said:
NecroWolf said:
Most mature statement ever. See this? This is the kind of people we need in Congress and the Senate.
So long as it ain't Eyebrows!

Am I right? :D Am I right?

Yeah, we can't have world peace and fucking stability in this world. Fuck that would be boring.

hey, here's another one (besides age restrictions and term limits) I'd do if I was in powah: All senators and reps will stay in there own fucking state. in this age of internet and instant communication, separating the people from their "reps" is retarded, and it means the lobbyists will have to go to them!
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
hey, here's another one (besides age restrictions and term limits) I'd do if I was in powah: All senators and reps will stay in there own f****** state. in this age of internet and instant communication, separating the people from their "reps" is retarded, and it means the lobbyists will have to go to them!

Eyebrowsbv31 said:
in this age of internet and instant communication
J03 said:
I emailed both my Senator and Representative about this and called my Representatives office stating my concern. Haven't gotten a reply from the emails but on my last call I was told by, who I guess was just a secretary, that they are taking my concerns under advisement and that (after saying that if this bill ever became law that all major government agencies will be attacked by hackers constantly) the government doesn't comply with terrorist and that any further contact with their office would result in police action.
I don't think she realized I was just trying to give a heads up about the royal s***-storm that would ensue and that I hadn't planned on taking out my own frustration in that way.
So, after a week of trying to figure out what I was more pissed off about; not being represented by my representative or this whole steaming s*** on the first amendment, I decided that after Thanksgiving I will be calling his office daily until either I speak to him directly or I get arrested for trying to have my representative hear my voice. Whichever comes first.
I do hope you'll share with us their responses if they do contact you back. Hey which sate you in?

And we all know the winning team for a presidential ticket here:

Longo / eyebrows 2012: Cause screw morality!
California District 43. Representative Joe Baca. But that's what pissed me off. The guy is actually with my views on most things, but I don''t agree with a proposed bill and I get told to not call again.. Fuck this Shit...If a judge tells me to rot in jail over this shit then what is the point of living free?
The beautiful part of all of this is this is a direct result of pirates, who think they're entitled to free stuff. First, we has legit users have to put up with DRM, then we have to use these one-time codes (Some claim these are anti-Gamestop stuff, and.. they are, but they're pirate measures as well). Now, our internet is being threatened because of the actions of pirates. You know what, though? Here's the messed up part, if this bill passes, it won't stop the pirates, just like DRM won't stop them. It'll mess with us, and everyone else. Argh... You know, there are times I get so angry I can't even get angry. I just go numb, and stop caring. This is one of those times.
Good news everyone! EA, Nintendo and Sony Silently removed their support to the bill. Notice i said "Silently" As in... no official press release, no "sorry we made a mistake, no "This is an evil bill". This feels to me personally more like... "Welp! People are hating this, we better not jump on THAT band wagon again anymore!" while they pray people won't remember this in the future... Trust me, we will remember this...

And to all who are blaming pirates for the DRM, you are making it sound like piracy and jerk move software protection is a recent thing.

Edit: UPDATE! Apaprently... they only REDUCED their support:

Oh yeah i remember those! that was the ultimate DRM! :D

Like i already mentioned lots of time, my favorite was police quest's. They ask you what the police all codes were and the answer were in the book.

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