Longo_2_guns said:
To be honest, yeah. California is waaay f***** up when it comes to the unions. Too much power, too much money going to them, too much pension.
I really don't understand where this comes from? i THINK it comes from the fact that investment firms gambled in the private sector with other peoples money and lost their savings, 401k's, and their dream of retirement - during the recession. So the attitude arises, "HEY, I lost all my money - its not fair that you get to keep yours!"
Dismantling the unions and continuing to layoff workers is not the way to climb out of the budget crisis facing these states. You cut the collective bargaining rights of police, fire, teachers, and CORRECTIONS OFFICERS what do you think will happen to the quality of service provided by those organizations when people don't feel secure in their jobs, and feel exploited by a government (AND A SOCIETY) that apparently doesn't appreciate the services they provide.
Everyone seems to be falling victim to republican buzz words. People say POWER like it means something in this debate, these aren't super saiyans! Longo please explain what you mean by power, and where that "power" comes from? And what comes along with that Power? Could it be the right to peacefully assemble that you love so much? Repubs.. small gov't - privatize EVERYTHING, and the market will regulate the price - if you beleive that this country is Doomed.
The unions are in the same boat with the gov't b/c if the gov't goes bankrupt then EVERYBODY loses. No one gets paid and people get laid off - the unions understand this, which is why they make HEFTY CONCESSIONS. They allow the gov't to renig on promises they made to them when they got hired. MLK jr. died while protecting the workers right to assemble, and after his death the Federal Gov't passed legistlation that allowed gov't workers to do so - in essence his legacy. And to see that thrown away because of profit motive is disgusting.