Hey guys, I need your advice. My little brother is an avid gamer (*sniff* I am so proud of him) so I'd like to buy him a good videogame for Christmas. The problem is ... I don't know which.
I'm a bit ashamed really, but I really can't come up with something good.
He's young so he doesn't play 'complex' games but the more simple ones like platformers, action - adventure games and the like. His console of choice is DS, Wii or the PS3. He loves games like Super Mario Galaxy, inFamous, Wario World, Luigis Mansion and the like.
Think you can help his brother?

He's young so he doesn't play 'complex' games but the more simple ones like platformers, action - adventure games and the like. His console of choice is DS, Wii or the PS3. He loves games like Super Mario Galaxy, inFamous, Wario World, Luigis Mansion and the like.
Think you can help his brother?