Got a new computer! Sort of.


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I'll post a photo of it later.

So my oldest brother got a new gaming PC, a real beast of a thing with a GTX 2060 and stuff (his fiance' got it for him for Christmas). "I never asked for this" said Adam Jensen, but my brother came over last weekend randomly and gave me his old laptop, a 2013 Metabox gaming laptop, which already blows my old PC out of the water. Here's the specs:

- 16GB RAM (I think it's DDR3)
- Intel i7-4710 processor
- Windows 10 64 bit
- 500GB SSD

Really happy to have a 'new' computer, as I might be able to finally get back into PC gaming, as well as faster multimedia work. I've said to my brother that if/when I buy myself a new PC, I'll be returning this laptop to him.
Looks good!
The big issue with gaming laptops is that they overheat easily, so maybe invest in a cooling pad for more graphic/CPU intensive games.
Yeah man, I remember I had a 'gaming laptop' a long time ago, back in 2009 to early 2012, and the poor thing eventually over heated on me that it would shut itself down.

I'm going to download that Apex game and see if that might run okay on this machine.
It's decent. You won't really get The Witcher 3 or GTA 5 running on there, but you can catch up on some older PC games. I had an Alienware back in 2010 and it was obsolete after the first year. I never bought a gaming laptop after that again.

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