How to crush a fanboy. TEARS INSIDE!

StalfrosCC said:
The big brother is obviously bad at messing with his little brother. he didn't let him go long enough thinking that it was his game cube. I would have let him even cry to mom and dad- HELL I would have let mom and dad in on it.

I did't find the video that funny but as soon as my little brother called me a "douche bag" I would have hurt his real game cube.

True. I was pretty let down! He didn't even go half a minute.
oh that video, i wud just beat my brother up if he did that (if i had a brother) but he cudnt do it with a gamecube for me cuz i dont hav one but if he did it to my wii, POW!
would have been better if you smashed it, then doused it in gas, then lit it...ahhh...good times... thats what happened when my friend called me a ''fu****g fa***''...then his ps2 got it. his Ps2 got mysteriously stolen..the next night, he woke up to the smell of burning black plastic...good times. (DW, i gave him my old PS2 afterwards.)

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