How to crush a fanboy. TEARS INSIDE!


Posting this in general because its more related to killing a fanboys soul rather than an attack on Ninty, if the kid was the same with his PS2 or Xbox, they would have been destroyed aswell. Anyway, I wasn't sure if I though tthis was cruel or just freaking hilarious.

My little brother is a little *****, and he like to always screw around with my stuff and whatnot, but he is very sensitive about his gamecube, he has like 40 games for it and he always talks highly about nintendo

So to get him back I bought a gamecube that was already busted but it was exactly identical to his current working one. I switched it out and broke it infront of him....

I replaced my brothers good gamecube with a busted one that looks exactly the same, and I smashed it. The little nintendo fanboy cried his fat little a** off............ Here is the results Yes

here is the link:


ahahahaha, just imagine what would have happened if that really WAS the kids Gamecube.

I'm imagining him getting on MySpace later that day.... posting a bulletin... something like

Posted by: you BROKE my GAMECUBE

-do me a favor:

Call Myamoto
Tell him to go to 35364 Fanboy Lane
And tell him to look on the lawn....
I'm so sorry.....
The big brother is obviously bad at messing with his little brother. he didn't let him go long enough thinking that it was his game cube. I would have let him even cry to mom and dad- HELL I would have let mom and dad in on it.

I did't find the video that funny but as soon as my little brother called me a "douche bag" I would have hurt his real game cube.
"Hand me that game, douchebag"

Oh, he woulda got it right then and there.

And wtf, did I just hear "go get your pants on"???
I thought i'd just revive an old thread. (i hope i dont get in trouble)

by the way, wasn't uzi9mm a member of these forums? I swear i remembered him from around here.
You won't get in trouble but it's generally not appreciated for you to bring a very old topic (almost two years) for very little reason.


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