Batman: Arkham Origins

So I don't know if anyone else has it, but I recently downloaded the Initiation DLC pack.

For those who may not know, the Initiation DLC pack is supposed to be a storyline DLC where you play as Bruce Wayne before his career as Batman, learning and training in ninjitsu in a monastery in North Korea under master Kirigi. You also get an additional skin to play as, being Bruce Wayne (in his training suit) and "vigilante" Bruce Wayne, which is a suit very similar to that of Batman Begins, when Bruce is wearing the Batsuit with a balaclava mask. In terms of gameplay, Bruce Wayne/Vigilante Bruce play similar to that of Nightwing from Arkham City... e.g. fights like Batman, but lacks a few items and can't glide due to a lack of cape.

To avoid spoilers, I'll use the white colour to mask the spoilers:

To be absolutely honest, I'm not happy with the Initiations pack and I was actually really looking forward to it. I don't quite like the idea that this apparent storyline DLC is a challenge map pack. Basically, players play this pack in the challenge mode. There are five maps in total, three combat and two predator (I think, it may be the other way around). At the beginning of each map, there is a very brief cut scene of master Kirigi, basically saying why you will fail and what they expect out of you.

Now, here's what I find kind of dumb.

-This DLC pack is supposed to be about Bruce Wayne learning ninjitsu and stuff, yet when you fight, you pretty much fight exactly the same as how Batman does in Arkham Origins, able to dispatch a huge group of ninjas.

-Bruce Wayne somehow has access to detective vision and has a grappling hook for use in the predator rooms.

I think this DLC pack would have worked better if it were a proper narrative, similar to that of Harley Quinn's Revenge as seen in Batman: Arkham City.

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