A very merry unbirthday...


...to everybody, except...



Let's celebrate with a tea party.


And cake that is completely safe to eat. Honest.

Ugh's birthday tomorrow? There is bound to be a lot of wild sex....

somewhere in the world.... I mean, it's a big world.

Happy Birthday Ugh!
Ugh; a misunderstood genius or a misunderstood genius?

Happy Birthday Buddy. I tried to rent out the McDonalds play place but your boss said he couldn't allow us to drink. Then I asked if we could just have the party out back by the dumpster but he explained how the rats already have it reserved for a bar mitzvah.

Long story short, I bought you a whopper. But I got hungry... so I got you nothing... it's the thought that counts right?

Happy Birthday
Happy birthday, you fancy bastard. You must celebrate by finally watching the Avenger movies you haven't seen yet.
Enjoy your birthday! Have at least one hilarious, embarrassing story for us. You're a special, weird part of this place and you're an incredibly good sport. So thanks for always making us laugh.

Happy Bday Ugh!

i drugged her, that cute look is stuck on her face, but she is still conscious. Hurry, she'll be able to flex her vocal cords and scream in a few hours.

have fun!
Thank you for warning me of ugh's birthday in advance, i got time to hide in my shelter before the ladies will go nuts over him and end civilization as we know it...

Happy birthday!
Happy Birthday Ugh!

Got this chick...just for you:


.....Have fun! she's a strong one!

...Ok OK!...Here :)


.......I'll be back in approx. 4 minutes 34 seconds guys.
Happy Birthday, Ugh. So skype tells me you're 21. I got you the 20's life starter kit:

I resized that image for you so it doesn't stretch the page
I remember my 21st birthday...

That's a shame. Learn from my mistakes! Drink until you black out!
They can't bust you from underage drinking anymore huh? Good for you.

Have a happy birthday!

I got you a new place to stay

A real handymans dream. The picture doesn't give it much justice, it looks better irl. I swear.
danielrbischoff said:
Where the hell is Ugh? How come he hasn't posted in his own birthday thread?
You asking why a man isn't here when it's his 21th birthday? I think you already answered your question.

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