Dude, that party was RAD!

Best parties were when drinking was still illegal. Now everybody just wants to go to bars and nothing fun will ever happen there.

It was much better hiding in the forest getting drunk on all the mixed goods we were able to snatch.
Affen said:
Best parties were when drinking was still illegal. Now everybody just wants to go to bars and nothing fun will ever happen there.

It was much better hiding in the forest getting drunk on all the mixed goods we were able to snatch.


Plus the entire night was a mix of not getting caught. On Location, Home, The next morning, photos, etc.
I've been to some good parties, but one that's memorable for me was my workmate's sister's birthday party about two years ago. It was a dress up party.

My workmate and I went as Mario and Luigi. He was Luigi, I was Mario.

We got photos taken with so many people. So many people loved our costumes. We got a lot of attention. In one of the night clubs we went to, we heard the DJ go "Here's a big fuckin' shout out to my mates... MARIO AND LUIIIIIGIIIII!"

Was fun... I saw so many photos on Facebook the next day that I don't actually remember being a part of at the time. :P

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