Dude, that party was RAD!


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I just had a great weekend. It was bank holiday for us (which means Mondays off work). I went to a house party in a town called Reading. Got rather merry, but not ill. Great people, great food. Lots of fun. Headed out in the town afterwards - lovely!
I wake up the next morning in a bed all alone (the usual), I look in my pocket and find the following:

3 dead wasps
A toothpick
A receipt for £40 worth of drinks
An unused condom still in its packet

I thought for a minute and just uttered, "that party was AWESOME!"

Which brings me to all of you - what was your best party ever? In college? At your Dad's house? Explain in detail! (apart from you Mod-Chip).
I don't remember my best party. But I remember my absolute worst party (which is the only time I've ever blacked out). That was a "wake up in puke covered in scars at a friend's place with no memories and the girl you were interested in won't talk to you anymore" type of party.

Though let's not dwell on that one. There was a party at the end of the semester which consisted of nerf russian roulette and a mixed drink with questionable contents. And I got not one, but three hot nerd girls on my lap that night. Which is great, because I got to recommend video games to all of them.

Yes, I measure the quality of the night by the video games and video game conversation that occurs. Anyone can talk about boring things like drugs, sex, and alcohol. But for me, my real vice is video games, and lots of them.
My worst party experience was a few years ago at a mates 19th.
See, there's this rule we all follow: Don't drink anything Zack gives you.
Zack being this dude, who has a habit of mixing drinks that fuck you right up. Talking 70% alcohol content while managing to taste fine.

Anyway, this time i was deso and drove a couple friends to the party. In the car, i gave them all the warning. One of my mates is like 5'9 and 55kg, and he either decides to ignore or forgets the rule, so he starts drinking zacks mixed drinks. No kidding, 1/2hr into the party he'd throw up in the toilet and was half passed out on a chair. So after about 45 minutes at this party, i decide to ditch with my mate and take him back to my place. He ended up passed out near the toilet, i gave him a couple towels and went to my room, and proceed to smash a bottle of vodka in a couple minutes.
Played some Black Ops (got progressively BETTER as i went from normal-tipsy-drunk) and then went to sleep.

At some point while i was asleep, he's become conscious again and decided to walk into my room to pass out on my floor.
So i wake up about 3am with a pretty severe hangover, planning to take some paracetamol and drink a ton of water, so when i wake up at 7/8 i'm all good.
Go out, take the tablets, drink some water, go take a piss, and then i walk back to my room only to discover he's commandeered my bed. I'm all, 'whatever' and go fall asleep on the lounge watching Spongebob.

Wake up around 7, feeling great. My hangover's gone, i'm all refreshed and ready to play some New Vegas. So i go into my room to see if he's awake, only to find a good 50% of my room covered in vomit. Like, this kid managed to get it on my TV screen which is a good 3m from his head.

He was felling like absolute shit, so i ended up cleaning everything while he took a shower. So not only did i NOT pick up a drunk chick, i spent like 1/2 day cleaning everything and getting the smell out. He was so sorry afterward, too, dude still apologises to this day.
Too long to write but here's the synopsis.

Prom night.
After party.
Cabin in woods.
Alcohol everywhere - literally, in cars, in the cabinets, in the fridge, kegs, 30 racks, hard booze whatever.
Everyone in the bag, EVERYONE.
Lake nearby, had to save friend from drowning due to drunk swimming.
Another friend on football team almost causes a brawl between whites and minorities after going on a drunken racist rant for 20 mins (he was ok shouting to himself in the corner but when he started getting in peoples faces he had to be stopped). We threw him into his car and told him if he left we'd beat the fuck out of him. He remained there and cried all night.
My prom date fvcks a dude in from my building (dormed prep school).
I keep drinking, eventually piss on everything in the house out of spite. Literally would've covered the house in urine if I had the fluids.
Get kicked out.
Sneak back in and sleep in his bed.
Wake up next day in school - Everybody's friends!
No one talks about last nights event, but we all give each other silent nods of acknowledgement when we pass on campus.
you can call bullshit, but here goes

24th birthday weekend, two female companions and me have a birthday the same week, logical choice is to throw a massive party

Right off the hop everyones smashed, a good 50 people inside one of the female companions apartment, I unleash my skittles vodka to get bitches drunk, we have a near virgin drinker with us, she's convinced the skittles I left to soak in the vodka, then which were filtered out after 3 days somehow means it's a mixed drink, she chugs the bottle

she's out cold, we leave her with an attendant and tour downtown, after 3 rounds of tequila the girls start dancing, the rest of us are having a chill time until a tranny asks my friend to dance. A polite decline sparks her..his? rage "you couldn't handle a trans, bla bla bla" Surprisingly, everyone, myself included doesn't get suckered into the argument, another trans gender (my city is full of them) comes screaming through the floor to yell at trans A about giving the multi gendered a bad name. Within seconds a full on transgender brawl is going off. one of the best scenes I've ever witnessed. An acquaintance breaks it up to our dismay, but he walks off with her... apparently believing tranny b to be a real woman (he'd have to be pretty drunk) and they start necking, which of course meant i filmed

not so much to shame him, as it was to get the reaction of the guys girlfriend, who stormed in an yanked the wig off the trans, and it took a few yanks to be honest, shit was glued in.

The guy realizing what has happened begins throwing up on the dance floor, we slightly drunk people have our own episode of springer and it's live. I attempt to interview them doing my best jerry impersonation, which needlessly to tell you was shit, I apparently tried to mimic chris rocks voice for some reason. The guy who's being slapped by his gf, and the tranny doesn't take kindly to me stuffing a fake mic in his face and asking how he feels, he throws a swing filled with all of his rage, knocking my glasses off into herd of fat girls dancing.

I dive in for em, but they're gone, and now hippos are bouncing atop of me to rhythm, but I had a saviour,that tiny virgin drinking girl has got her second wind, she's pushing aside these land beasts in spandex, and drags me out. Obviously she wants my d that badly, so I go to make a move, but before we can connect I feel something slimy on my face. It's her spit, she follows it up with a slap and blames me for making her puke on her new rug and entertainment centre back at her place

At this point we're asked to leave, and my charming attempts to get my cover paid back to me went... well. In reality the guy found it more agreeable to give me my 10 bucks back rather than argue with a drunk for a half hour.

we mossy outside, and skinny virgin drinker bitch says I am not allowed at her place anymore, but her friends can come still. Being vindictive, and without glasses, I strike back by offering her best friend, a heffer to say to least, a peice of my man meat.

we walk in another directions while skinny drunk yells out that I dont love her and I think she's too fat, all true, but still mean to say

half a block away we realize we have no where to go, but there is the multi story parking garage above the bus station, the stairway is both lit and heated. It's there that poor, poor heffer lost her anal virginity. A classy man would have stopped when she began throwing up, but I am better than that

coming into consciousness a couple hours later, I find myself spooning her lower half, while the rest of her is in a corner with a lovely concoction of her vomit and a homeless mans urine offerings for what appears to been some weeks.

I ensure she is still breathing, adjust my tie and walk out, having no heard from these people since

there was also naked jousting going on at some point,but it's so fuzzy I couldn't give a worthwhile description tricycles, cardboard lances and shots, that was like a side project going on during the tranny fight

you fuckers want to have a wild party and have a friends brown eye be awoken, hit me up
My 19th birthday in Canada was one to remember. Drinking age is 19 up there. We get there and my canadian friends immediately take us to a strip club.(In canada its full nude and full alcohol. woot!) We take a bunch of hooter shooters and are getting really drunk.(From a little canadian blond girl dressed in camo short shorts and a american flag tank top. I guess "The American girl" is a thing for stripers up north?)

We then end up at a house party being thrown at this guys place that he was moving out of the next day. So people are really get wild and not caring what happens. My canadian friend tells everyone its my birthday and I decide its a great idea to chug a beer with each person who wants to as it is my birthday and it is legal. During this time my canadian friend had been talking to this girl trying to get me laid because it was my birthday.(Without my knowing what he was doing)

Now for those who don't know. Canadian beer usually has a higher alcohol content than american beer.(Makes it delicious) I make it through 14 canadian beer chugs against different people before I realise I better slow the fuck down. By then It was too late. I smoke a couple joints of canadian blueberry weed and I am fucking spinning. I go to the backyard where there wasn't anyone and just kneel in the grass and proceed to just vomit in a circular fashion like a lawn sprinkler. Blaaah! to my left, Blaaah! To the front. Blaah! to my right.

I then walk to the bathroom. Wash out my mouth and tell my canadian friend I'm fucked up. He says we will leave soon and I should just go wait outside. So I go and sit on the sidewalk out front. I remember it was nice and cool outside. The problem is my vision started to go out on me and repeatedly. Everything would spin until all of a sudden I couldn't see anything even though I could feel my eyes are wide open. So I'm sitting there and I hear this girl ask "Why aren't you talking to me? and I was like "what?" and she said "I came to this party to meet you." And I said "I'm sorry I can't see you."

I could hear by the sound she gave out that what I said pissed her off and I could hear her start walking off so I said "No I literally can't see you!" and started waving my hands in front of my face and eyes(Which i still couldnt even see). I must have been too late or she must have just not cared because after that she was gone.

We finally leave and every 10 miles or so I have to open the truck door a bit and puke while rolling down the highway. I never got any puke on myself or my friends vehicle(I pride in my ability to never puke in places I shouldn't).

I woke up the next morning curled around the base of my friends toilet enjoying how it cooled my skin. I immediately got up. Took a shower. Then went to the minibar, rolled a joint and poured a crown royal and coke.

Actually was a awesome birthday. :lol:

Sometime on the way home we had stopped at burger king and my friend tried to get me to try canadian poutine(Fries, cheese curds, and gravy?) but I was way to nauseous to even attempt it.
Nothing too crazy. Although there was the night my friends and I made sarsaparilla floats and watched Goonies. Hoo boy.
Most of the time now if I'm at a great party I'm spending all my energy trying to maintain myself on a plethora of substances. Makes it hard to vividly remember or even notice everything that is going on.

Best consistently great parties were in the town I used to live in Chico California. Chico state was voted the number 1 party school by playboy magazine.

Now I just like to chill at small house parties or bars. I even enjoy just partying alone sometimes at my house. No one to fuck shit up or make a bad night.

Worst party was having to talk to the cops high as hell on five hits of acid.

:edit: Icepick your stories are always a enjoyment to read.
I also pride myself on not being a total and complete mess whenever I "have fun." I haven't been to anything like what you guys have described though. I'm just not "that" cool.
One morning I woke up in my own pool of piss on someone's futon...

Yeah that was fun trying to awkwardly/drunkenly sneak out without waking everyone.

Never again.
Longo_2_guns said:
Yes, I measure the quality of the night by the video games and video game conversation that occurs. Anyone can talk about boring things like drugs, sex, and alcohol. But for me, my real vice is video games, and lots of them.

Couldn't agree more chum. I believe one of my finest memories is playing through Final Fantasy 7 all night with my uni friends. We just took it in turns every 20 minutes or so with white russians (tastiest drink ever) and nattered into the light hours of the morning about general crap. One topic was why aren't there any beavers in UK?
Well, I think last night counts for one of my best/worst nights. I woke up at 7 am (aka 10 minutes ago) without my keys or money or backpack in the kitchen of my house, and couldn't get to my room, after failing to find any of those things in the hours beforehand. And then once I had lighting, I found all of my stuff and got to my room.

Fun times.
Toddy said:
MattAY said:
One topic was why aren't there any beavers in UK?

There's loads of beaver in the UK...

...Oh wait, you mean the animal

the country already has it's quota filled for "fucked up giant teeth", nature didn't want to add in any more needlessly
Icepick said:
the country already has it's quota filled for "fucked up giant teeth", nature didn't want to add in any more needlessly

Boo! It's those teeth that give us our great accent and make us universally popular around the world.
*Checks teeth in mirror*....

...nah, he's right Toddy :(

PS - your beaver joke made a lol - nice work!
You can have John Oliver back.

Other party facts. My friend Sarah had sex with a beer bottle on her birthday. She was so drunk she just proceeded to do it in the living room chair she was in, infront of everyone. Then later she passed out and she pissed all over herself and the chair. She still gets really mad every time I bring it up and ask her again which end of the bottle she used.

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