
I was 9 at the time. Didn't really understood what the hell was going on when I saw the news ... until I saw a man jump out of the building.

Holy, fucking, shit. I still remember the scene.

R.I.P. Though I live on the other side of the puddle I'd still like to share my condolences.
I was like 6. My neighbor's parents both worked for the local news station, but neither were reporters (the dad was a weatherman and idk what the mom did) but they went over to the station for the next couple days after the crash, which meant their two kids were left alone and had to stay at our house. we didn't have any extra beds, so their hot daughter who was my age got to sleep on the other side of my bed for the two days. i almost got................ cooties

aaand thats all i remember about 9/11.
I was in study hall. I remember a teacher running into our room and turning on the news. That was all we did that day was watch the news. We watched the second plane hit, we watched them as they fell and then some wonderful person decided it would be a good idea to call in a bomb threat to my school.

After it was all over and school was let out, my whole family went over to my grandmother's house and watched more news. We were pretty much all scared and sad, but at the same time thankful that my uncle had made it out okay.
I was in Chemistry class when the dean of discipline came into our class and passed a note to our teacher. Basically our teacher (who also happened to be the vice principal, go figure for small catholic schools) told us that a plane has hit the World Trade Center.

We saw the smoke from our school too after that, and the next two classes we were basically watching the news, and I got to see the second plane hit, the two towers fall, and the smoke rising more both on screen and in the sky in view from our classroom, all in real time.

The rest of the day was just uncertainty, my parents were going nuts but I was relatively calm about the whole thing, I guess. Being 14, I guess I kinda needed to be level headed for the sake of my brother (who was also fine, in retrospect) and my parents, who were going insane with worry over us as we came home from school and work.

After that, not much else really. We continued with our lives and discussed what happened as a family. No real sugar coating it or anyone camping out in front of the TV for three weeks. Just, kept going really. I guess it seems kind of cold, especially since I was a river away from what happened, but it was honest and I would be lying to say if anyone was really not worried. We just dealt with it by talking about it, which if you ask me is healthier.
I was in 8th grade and since I was two time zones away one of the planes had already hit the first tower before I came upstairs to go to school...But I remember watching the news in pretty much all of my classes up until my douche bag middle school principle made the announcement that all teachers had to turn off their TVs...
I was casing mail for the postal service at the time. Our customers were surprised that we ran that day.

I got to hear some strong remarks from the customers (mainly retired veterans) along the route. This is the day of mind you. So very strong remarks, friends. I agreed with every one of them.

We were alerted about picking up suspicious packages that same morning. Letters filled with anthrax would soon follow.

Change a lot of things. A lot of paranoia, too.
madster111 said:
I was like 7 at the time.

And where the f*** was my cheez TV?

LOL. I love that show, fcking shame how it was canned.

I was in grade 5 or 6 at the time and didnt hear about it until i got back from school. My told friend me we were at war and my teacher was kinda pissed off in the morning.
I was skipping the first week of grade 11 or something. Thought I was on A&E when I turned on the tv and bitched about it being a lame ass show so early, oh it was a show alright.

With all the respect in the world to those who lost there lives that day, but the American government set it up. I've felt that way since day one.

On a side note, I woke up Saturday morning, went to the in laws, cracked open a few beers and didn't even remember it was "9/11" until yesterday. 9 years later that's how it should be.
The American government did not set it up. The sheer thought of the government doing something that well is a trip into insanity land. It's incapable of doing anything. Also, I bet you a million dollars if it happened if Gore was in power, you wouldn't think the government did it.

What the American government did was not prevent it. They knew it was coming, just as they had the warnings for the underwear bomber and the Fort Hood shootings recently. There were warnings, but no one took them up on it. It's how shit like this happens.

What purpose would setting up 9/11 serve? We aren't in a police state; we have the patriot act, but it's not half as bad as it is in modern Russia. The two wars have made certain companies a lot of money, as well as many politicians, but it's ruined what little trust people have in the government: so they set it up for short term monetary gain? I don't buy it.

Buying into "the government did it" is pointless anyways. You should be smarter then that.

I will say the CIA and the FBI are terribly run, bloated, broken, and unaccountable.
I have a question....... (I know people should, and will, continue to remember the tragic events that happened, and that i do not intend to offend anyone...) but why is 9 years since it happened so significant?
Serimo-Hygrin said:
I have a question....... (I know people should, and will, continue to remember the tragic events that happened, and that i do not intend to offend anyone...) but why is 9 years since it happened so significant?

Probably due to the 9 in 9/11? Don't know really. But I guess we'll also have a 10, 11, 12 etc. year thread about this incident on this board. :)
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
The American government did not set it up. The sheer thought of the government doing something that well is a trip into insanity land. It's incapable of doing anything. Also, I bet you a million dollars if it happened if Gore was in power, you wouldn't think the government did it.

What the American government did was not prevent it. They knew it was coming, just as they had the warnings for the underwear bomber and the Fort Hood shootings recently. There were warnings, but no one took them up on it. It's how s*** like this happens.

What purpose would setting up 9/11 serve? We aren't in a police state; we have the patriot act, but it's not half as bad as it is in modern Russia. The two wars have made certain companies a lot of money, as well as many politicians, but it's ruined what little trust people have in the government: so they set it up for short term monetary gain? I don't buy it.

Buying into "the government did it" is pointless anyways. You should be smarter then that.

I will say the CIA and the FBI are terribly run, bloated, broken, and unaccountable.

You said it, money. War = Profit. Money > The People because with money in this world, you can make anything happen.
^ naw man, it would take a month and 80 helicopters to do the damage one briefcase sized nuke could do in 10 minutes.

Did you know: After a PhD in nuke psychics, your job may be to the cut the rope with a fire axe that holds the hammer that is suspended above the nuke material in case it starts to, um, go nuke? (If it cracks in half, it stops the reaction!)


To daddio: the biggest milk cow in the world is the middle east. Disturbing that region for profit didn't really make sense. Saddamo was supply us with oils before hand, and the French as well with a discount :D.

In the end, the war screwed the french outta something, so it's a win.

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