17 years ago...

^ I consider use and sale of most drugs - victimless crimes, but crystal meth, heroin, and prescription pill abuse deserve their own category I think. And I think there is something seriously wrong with the way their mind functions while using it or as a result of using it. I'm completely aware of how hypocritical it sounds with regards to marijuanna - but some drugs are just F***ing hardcore. Sorry about your friend. Was he a functioning weekend warrior or was he a junky? I HEAR about people shooting up and living normal lives, but I don't know of anyone personally that has/can do that.

..btw, I write this post while watching a pot of cannibutter simmer on the stove. I plan on watching Win-Win this weekend. I'm sooo cool its unbearable. 8)
He was a junky, but somewhat still functioning. Not only that, but he tried a bunch of times to clean up his life. In fact, that's part of why he died. He had just gotten out of rehab and tried to do the amount he used to. His body couldn't handle it, and it caused him to OD.

Most drugs are far less severe. Weed is about the same as alcohol, in that they should be done in moderation and responsibly, but stuff like meth and heroin are just bad.
I'll never go anywhere fucking near hardcore drugs.

They took Layne and messed up Kurt. As such, never will i do anything harder than Weed.
I'm against most drugs besides weed too. alcohol, sure, long as you reserve it to occasions and not just whenever during the week. Shrooms, eh, maybe on even rarer occasions. But one of the reasons I stopped smoking weed was because, well, i don't really have a main reason. didn't wanna do bad in school i guess. didn't wanna fuck up my lungs too badly either. and maybe a girl had a small part in it... ;)

but all in all there just isn't much of a point. seems like the ones that go to hard drugs to be happy are the ones that have been taking themselves too seriously in the first place. if we all sat back and realized the real impact the production, distribution, and use of all these drugs have on a global scale, we could all realize that it's more detrimental to society than just on a personal level.
i don't want to shoot up heroin knowing that children in Africa are starving because farmers there are growing poppies instead of potatoes trying to make a profit via drugs, and mothers have to feed their babies balls of opiates because it's all there is to eat. i wouldn't like to do a line of coke knowing that just the transport of it through the turmoiled south american streets could have meant the lives of handfuls of innocent people. and I don't want to do any of the other drugs out there cuz i would hate to see the impact on my friends, family, schoolmates, etc.
i see the look on the qdoba workers' faces when i stumble into the restaurant with a gang of friends, all tipsy, red-eyed, and belligerent. they look at me different now than they did freshmen year, when I could come in with the same group of friends, totally sober, and still have a good time. I feel like I'm letting them down as much as I am my teacher when i show up zoo to a math test and get a D, or my neighbor who catches a glimpse of me and my friends passing a bong around in my backyard while my parents are gone. to me, it's just not worth it.
madster111 said:
I'll never go anywhere f****** near hardcore drugs.

They took Layne and messed up Kurt. As such, never will i do anything harder than Weed.

Don't forget...
Elvis Presley
Jimi Hendrix
Jim Morrison
Janis Joplin
Tommy Bolin (Deep Purple)
Jon Bonham (Led Zeppelin)
Shannon Hoon (Blind Mellon)
Keith Moon (The Who)
Bradley Nowell (Sublime)
Sid Vicious (Sex Pistols)
and so on...
I sure do remember these boards being all over Cobains dick all the time. He killed himself, get over it.
Bretimus_v2 said:
I'm pretty sure that drugs are acting as some form of preservative for Keith Richards.

I'm pretty sure Keith Richards has been greatly exaggerated. I don't know how he can still be alive after doing as many drugs as he says he has. He's like the Chuck Norris of drugs.

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