Your favorite video game setting/world/level.

Athens, in God of War.

Yes to Besaid as well, and Midgar.

Also, the generic ice level in every platformer since the beginning of time.
Ooh, the planet you crash-land onto in KOTOR 1. I feel like I should know the name, but I don't. It looks so great when you first step outside of your apartment into the bustling city.
MattAY said:
How could I forget Metroid Primes!?

Phendrana Drifts

Sanctuary Fortress

So true. The first Metroid Prime game had such amazing atmosphere.

I also really like the Citadel from Mass Effect.
used44 said:
The Citadel is neat until you play it 20 times. Then it's just tedious.

I've only gone through it once, so I wouldn't know. I actually like the concept of the Citadel more than I actually like the design.
Yeah, I thought that thing was cooler than the earlier thing.

I use thing a lot when I don't feel like spoiling...things.
I forgot to mention the world of Xen in half-life. Mind-blowing. One of the best realized alien worlds ever.

The fact there were no Xen chapters in hl2 was a bit of a disappointment when I first played it. (hl2 still rocks)


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