Your favorite video game setting/world/level.


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What are some settings for games that you find beautiful or memorable?

I really thought the Middle Eastern setting in Assassin's Creed was just great. Not only was the world very beautiful and functional but the setting was unique for a game.

I also have a special place in my heart for Hyrule Field, Ivalice, and the vast "Forbidden Lands" of Shadow of the Colossus.
The gardens in Prince of Persia: Warrior Within:


Not the best picture but it's mostly like that.

Pretty much everything in Okami is another favourite, just great to look at.
used44 said:
What are some settings for games that you find beautiful or memorable?

I really thought the Middle Eastern setting in Assassin's Creed was just great. Not only was the world very beautiful and functional but the setting was unique for a game.

I also have a special place in my heart for Hyrule Field, Ivalice, and the vast "Forbidden Lands" of Shadow of the Colossus.
You basically just mentioned most of mine. Assassin's creed was amazing, Hyrule field is a classic and the forbidden lands in shadow of the colossus was gorgeous. Dr.Wily's castle is probably the most memorable setting for me. Can't forget about the sonic levels as well, all classics!
The world of ff6(3), steampunk heaven.

The lands of oblivion, even though it's mostly rolling hills.. they are beautiful rolling hills.

Ashenvale from WOW. It.s a low-level area; but even when I was high-level I enjoyed just walking around in the forest.

Shadow Moses, the base in Metal Gear Solid, I can't put my finger on it, but it just has this military charm.
I'm a big fan of Midgar from FF7. I thought the whole place was extremely well done and I wished they had more you could explore.

And runner up would have to be Westfall/Darkshire.

If you started the game alliance and really started getting into the quest lines and endgame story these two areas are where things really start getting heavy at lower levels. I think the designers did a great job leading you though their world and really showing you the plight of the Westfall country side mixed with the impending doom of Darkshire. Nothing really topped this experience in other MMOs at dragging out into the environment such as WoW did.

And holy shit... I think I'm going to need to reinstall and play again after tying that.

Fuck fuck fuck.
Nes, you and I seem to agree on a lot of weird things.

Kijan, what's Besaid from?

Shaft, I forgot the Facility. That seems to be another of those universal favorites. Even my sister could tell me how Facility was laid out.
I hate to be cliché, but I'm going with Hyrule from Ocarina of Time, more specifically Lake Hylia and Hyrule Field, as well as the Market

I also liked the Ancient City in Final Fantasy 7. It had very cool cryptic and mysterious, yet elegant feel to it. When you first go there, its so strange. And when you leave, the mystery stays. It's still has its effect on me to this day.
Boringman54 said:
^They look good but they aren't always totally original, like the forests in MGS 3, though Big Shell was a cool idea.

I don't know about that because consider that in both 3 and 4 the octocamo being designed to compliment the environment was pretty damn original. It seems more difficult to do the octocamo/camo concept than to simply use "invisibility" in which they just kind of drop out the character model. Prior to the camo/octocamo being implemented stealth was either avoiding line of site or being invisible. I would have to say MGS series took stealth and and environmental detail to another level for consoles.

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