Which girl do you think is better?

Which girl is better?

  • Krissy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Jackie

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I suppose it comes down to what you want, if you want a relationship it seems like Krissy would be the best choice (so long as she isn't a gold digger which is the main minus in my opinion), if you want a fun time without a lot of commitment then it'd be Jackie. Personally I'd go for Krissy, but that's because I'd prefer a relationship, the fact Krissy doesn't like videogames wouldn't bother me but the fact that Jackie likes crap music definitely would and partying into the early hours would be fun but I'm not overly bothered about that either.

slickbenjamn said:
Blackstar, you need to tell Typewriter that the Great night of spamming was on the 10th, not the 12th.

LOL, I know I just enjoy watching others think tney're right when they're actually wrong. It's kinda like watching Bush.
Well since I can't see the pics, I'm going to go with what was told about their personality.

I'd say the first girl mentioned. I'd rahter run the risk of someone being a gold digger than someone known as a wild party girl with rumours of getting around and being open with their sexuality. That just screams a future incident of you sitting down with friends and saying "Oh shit that's my girl dawg!" when "Girls Gone Wild : Lesbian Farm Animal Keg Parties" aires.
Your pretty young from the sounds of it, so go with Jackie and have fun. Whoever's the best to be around is your choice...forget about the future since chances are in a few years you won't be with either...so focus on the now until you find someone you know can be the future....and when that happens you won't have to make any polls you'll just know.
If you're looking for a long term relationship, pick Krissy. If you're looking to have a good time and want to break up in a few months, go with Jackie.

Personally, I'd go with Krissy. So what if she doesn't like videogames? It just means she won't fight over playing whatever console you own. Also, I'm all for the long-term. I'm the kind of guy who'll date to marry, not date to screw around.
Rekkie7 said:
Your pretty young from the sounds of it, so go with Jackie and have fun. Whoever's the best to be around is your choice...forget about the future since chances are in a few years you won't be with either...so focus on the now until you find someone you know can be the future....and when that happens you won't have to make any polls you'll just know.

Hey! Just cause I act like an immature assh*le on GR doesn't mean I'm young! FYI, in real life I'm an immature playa wit two ladies, Yeah!

Heh, k, well, anyways, here's an update. Jackie doesn't want a relationship, she just wants some cuddle-wuddles, which is nice. But she's been around and I haven't, so I probably couldn't satiasfy that ass. So I've chose Krissy, perhaps I will invite her to GR...YEAH RIGHT!
Black_Star said:
So I've chose Krissy, perhaps I will invite her to GR...YEAH RIGHT!
Also known as the "kiss of death".

So is Krissy hot or what?

I do have a ytmnd site to make you know...
Riddle me this, BlackStar, if that is your real name:
Does she know how to shake that laffy taffy? Hmm?
Arg the choice was easy. If thats all Jackie wanted then give it to her, then start things with Kristy. At least then you can say you've been with more then one girl in your life.

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