What is the best game ever for you and why?

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but for me it's Final Fantasy X because it was the first RPG I have ever played. I loved the story, and it was fun.
Final Fantasy 7, if you've played this the whole way through then you'll know why. Infact I'm gonna go start the game again right now :mrgreen:
This is hard, espcially to choose only one game, but I would most likely say Chrono Trigger. There in no doubt in my mind this is one of the best Rpg's ever made. Great characaters, great story, tons of sides quests and tons of endings.
Sonic 2

First videogame I ever played on an obsessive level, and I still have very many very fond memories of it. I actually still whip it out to play with it every once in a while.
Ocarina of time. The only thing keeping it from perfection is that it doesnt have a multiplayer mode. I even love the glitches in the game.
Hmm, I don't really have a fav. game now. But the game that I used to spend the most time on was AOE2, I viewed it like a fvcking sport. I would always make sure I never had a idle villager, memorize every hotkey, make sure I have at least 20 villagers(10 on food, 10 on wood) before entering feudal, have at least 10 on both gold and silver during , have at least 25 longbowmen(always played britons), 25 trebuchets, 25 heavy cav, 25 pikeman all fully upgarded after Imperial. And yes I always had fun with it. Seems like it's one of those games where you have to be really good at it to enjoy it to the fullest.
Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

The survival elements, the camoflauge, the flora and fauna, the Cold War setting, and the ending...Oh, the ending... :cry:
Hmm...hard to chose. Ocarina of Time was great because it was a fantasy experience like no other, but a game like Beyond Good and Evil did everything much better, but couldn't quite match that experience. There's also Perfect Dark, where I spent about 1000 hours on multiplayer, then there's Resident Evil Remake, which scared the crap out of me and was incredibly entertaining.

I think for me, this should go without saying.

So I'll use a picture instead.

I just got into MGS last year and played all three games. I have to say, MGS3 really wowed me and blew me away. I'd have to say MGS3.
Morrowind for me, fully modded that game lasts longer than the average persons time playing WoW.
Hmm, this is a toughie. I have many memories of videogames I've played in the past. Super Castlevania IV was what got me hooked to them. Castlevania SOTN consumed my life around 2nd and 3rd grade. During 4th and 5th Final Fantasy VII was my main focus. Then when FFVIII came out I was in heaven... There are many that I've left out, but the same process repeats. I just love videogames, that's all there is to it.
Screw all yall

Firebird said:
Driv3r is one of my favourites because the graphics are so cool! :D
You make me sad...

I would have to say, ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, Twilight Princess because the horseback battles are amazing, the gameplay is great and the goat hearding was awesome. oh, you can ride in a boat as well as on horseback.

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