What games would make great movies?


Tell me what games do you think would make an awesome movie.

Here are some of my choices:
God of War
Gears of war

... on a serious note.
Metal Gear Solid.
Deus Ex..

But the hard thing is that, many games are made to be cinematic.
The problem by making them into movies, is that games can last many hours, but movies normally only last between 1 - 2 hours.
Plus there are directors as Uwe Boll that is raping every single gaming licens he can get his hands on.
How about a Killer 7 movie?
It'll be confusing, violent and stylish.
No More Heroes would be pretty cool as well.
Gears maybe, but Halo? Please don't give them any ideas.
I love the MGS series, but I don't see how a movie would be very good.
Half Life May not be bad, but really, do we need another Game-based movie, did Final Fantasy teach us nothing? Then again maybe you liked it, I didn't but my friends said it was "The best s*** I have seen ever mother****er!!!" so maybe i'm just crazy.
I don't understand why people would want to see movies based on games. It's bound to be generic, first of all. And when games nowadays have cut-scenes as cinematic as movies, what's the point of there being a movie based on it?
^ True. and there are games, while less these days, that use live action cut scenes, lame.
Generic is a must when it comes to game-based movies, and, movies-base games, its already been done, what are they going to change.
a CoD movie would be pretty sick (WW2 or modern) having a covert sniper mission like in CoD4 would make for a great portion of the movie as well as how awesome the soviet beach landing mission in CoD1. not to mention how much captain price 0wnz
I want to say something cool like God of War, Gears of War or Duke Nukem, and other solid titles.The only problem is, when games are made into movies, they are always horrible. And then, there are games based off the movie, which are never as good as the actual series. So Kratos, Marcus and Duke should stick to the games.
Spyderhunter said:
a CoD movie would be pretty sick (WW2 or modern) having a covert sniper mission like in CoD4 would make for a great portion of the movie as well as how awesome the soviet beach landing mission in CoD1. not to mention how much captain price 0wnz

Just a film about Captain Price would do it for me.

Another STALKER Film would be wonderful, on location shooting, mutant fights at the ferris wheel in Prypat...

The movie industry absolutely hates gamers though and thinks that we're all retards, that's why they keep letting Uwe make movies.

Actually blame Germany....always pissing some group of people off.

Tylzen is the closing thing to a German we have here, so yell at him.
insted of videogame movies, how about child-hood cartoons being turned into live-action films

transformers did good money.... fingers crossed for captain planet and G.I joe

Knights olf The Old Republic
Mass Effect
World of Warcraft
Assassin's Creed
Legend of Zelda - Link To The Past
Resident Evil (You know...Done right.)
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines
Ghost Recon
Splinter Cell
Metal Gear Solid

Oh and Lentium....


Rejoice! Except for the choice of Cobra Commander perhaps...And where the fuck is Dusty?
I don't think video games make good movies. Because, well, just look at them!

Aside from a few, the majority suck. And I think it's because video games carry a style about them that's hard to translate in a live action movie.

That's why CGI movies would be a better choice instead of live action. A Zelda movie would look silly if it was live action, no matter what LOTR fans say. But in CGI or even anime it would work.

If you look at movies like Sin City and Kill Bill, they carry the same style and tone as a graphic novel and it works. If a director can capture that same style for a video game then it would work.

Take Silent Hill for example, the plot screwed up at the half way point but it remains one of the better VG movies because the style and atmosphere was translated properly.
LetheanDreams said:

Knights olf The Old Republic
Mass Effect
I only had to read the first two to see that you're a true visionary. KotOR will make a excellent movie, and the plot will be one of the greatest ever told.
If they mess up KotOR, legions of Star Wars nerds with lightsabers and replica DC-11 Blaster Rifles will hunt them down.
LetheanDreams said:

Knights olf The Old Republic
Mass Effect
World of Warcraft
Assassin's Creed
Legend of Zelda - Link To The Past
Resident Evil (You know...Done right.)
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines
Ghost Recon
Splinter Cell
Metal Gear Solid

Oh and Lentium....


Rejoice! Except for the choice of Cobra Commander perhaps...And where the f*** is Dusty?

No to WoW, what the hell would that be? A shakespearian style movie? To LFG, or not to LFG...

Title character leroy Jenkins... Shit I better stop, Uwe might read this and make the fucking thing.
Eyebrowsbv31 said:
LetheanDreams said:

Knights olf The Old Republic
Mass Effect
World of Warcraft
Assassin's Creed
Legend of Zelda - Link To The Past
Resident Evil (You know...Done right.)
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines
Ghost Recon
Splinter Cell
Metal Gear Solid

Oh and Lentium....


Rejoice! Except for the choice of Cobra Commander perhaps...And where the f*** is Dusty?

No to WoW, what the hell would that be? A shakespearian style movie? To LFG, or not to LFG...

Title character leroy Jenkins... s*** I better stop, Uwe might read this and make the f****** thing.

The beauty would be..It would be fuelled by a story, not players in a game >_>.

Besides, a WoW movie is already in the works!

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