Movies based on games

All stories have some archetypal themes woven into them and anytime you pick a genre comparisons will be made. The difference is that Red Dead is better than most Western movies of late (3:10 and True Grit were fantastic however).
Red Dead's a great game but the story disappointed me greatly. The main motivation was solid Western fare (tale of redemption, going after three ex-partners) and the ending was really brilliant, but certain pivotal characters would just sort of leave the story at random times, never to be heard from again until the very end where they didn't contribute much.

I'm excited for the free DLC this week though. Maybe I'll get back into the game (as if I had time).
I agree completely with Used. You go down the raft with Irish, people are shooting at you, and then... you never really know why. And you never see Irish again.
No. The game is already tremendously acted and takes place in a beautifully realized world. It would probably look silly with real actors and cgi sets.
Sorry, used, I was being sarcastic. And agree with you on all of those reasons. Mostly I was trying to bring Enslaved up again.

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