What are ya playing?

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Deus Ex: Mankind Divided comes out this week, so I'm really excited for that.

I'm getting very bored with No Man's Sky. I feel like all I'm doing is grinding to get better stuff and that I'm travelling from one system to the next, slowly. I travel to one system, then I spend time gathering resources to refuel my hyper drive, then I do it again, rinse and repeat. Am I playing wrong?
I got my grubby little hands on Deus Ex: Mankind Divided for PS4. Unfortunately upon loading the game, I was greeted with a day one patch that was just about three gigs.

Since I got the Day One Edition of the game, which comes with DLC, one of the DLC contents was an additional two-ish gigs, so I left the console downloading over night and the most I got out of Mankind Divided was the intro sequence.

Probably won't get to play tonight as I'll be working on this week's GR Strips.
Yeah I've seen some vids online. I'm so glad they kept moments in society as well as the espinage stuff.
I almost enjoyed the walking around and interrogating stuff more than the sneaky stuff when playing HR.
Dead Rising 2. After getting to the last boss and finding out that the way that I was supposed to play the game is to grind it out the first play through rather than trying to take out the very unbalanced bosses. I pretty tempted to just watch the ending cutscene on Youtube and whoever "designed" these bosses needs to get clocked in the face.

EDIT: Done and deleted. Hooboy that overtime bs got old real fast.
Shadowrun: Hong Kong, doing a whole lot of reading with the occasional fight. Reading up on everything in the Shadowlands BBS or everything the computer offers and some of the stuff is pretty good. Especially the Poetry Slam, that was gold. Running a Street Samurai with rifles instead of a Decker like in Dragonfall and it's going well. Really liking it so far and all the flavor text.
I'm still playing Deus Ex: Mankind Divided for PS4 and I suspect I'll be playing this for quite sometime.

I really like it. I'm following a non-lethal, stealthy approach. I've found I've barely needed any of the combat/lethal related augmentations. Instead, I find the augmentations that allow you to travel (e.g. super strength to move heavy objects, jumping to reach higher places) as well as max level hacking tend to be very useful skills, considering the game is all about investigation and whatnot.
Still going through more of No Man's Sky. Fuck the haters on that one in my book.

Also been playing a F2P called Duelyst, pretty fun I got to say, it's a strategy card game where you use a grid to maneuver minions and a general around a board, so it has a lot more going for it than just hand drawings.
Still going through more of No Man's Sky. Fuck the haters on that one in my book.

Also been playing a F2P called Duelyst, pretty fun I got to say, it's a strategy card game where you use a grid to maneuver minions and a general around a board, so it has a lot more going for it than just hand drawings.
Dug out Batman Arkham Knight and started playing the season pass DLC. Not sure I will 100% the game, but I definitely want to be higher than the 53% I am currently at (despite having the platinum trophy).
LinksOcarina said:
Still going through more of No Man's Sky. Fuck the haters on that one in my book.

I'm glad you've been enjoying it. Sadly, I haven't.

I was enjoying it at first, but slowly the game felt like it was becoming a chore for me to play. It's a game I -wanted- to enjoy, but unfortunately I just couldn't. I felt like I was just doing the same thing to make progress... travel from one galaxy to another, grind for resources to create hyperdrive fuel, rinse and repeat. I did end up at the very least getting a decent ship worth one and a half million units.

I have No Man's Sky on PS4, but I have a feeling it'd be a lot better on PC with MODs?

COMaestro said:
Dug out Batman Arkham Knight and started playing the season pass DLC. Not sure I will 100% the game, but I definitely want to be higher than the 53% I am currently at (despite having the platinum trophy).

I feel like a real Captain Negative here, since my first post above is talking about my negative experience towards No Man's Sky, now Batman: Arkham Knight... Batman: Arkham Knight was a disappointing game, but I still very much enjoyed it. I loved the graphics and presentation, the on-foot game play and the size and detail of Gotham City. I hated the lack of boss fights, too much Batmobile and the story was lackluster when compared to previous Arkham games.

The DLC was very disappointing. I didn't have a season pass, I purchased the storyline only DLCs that were released. The four chapter story of Batman (four additional missions) is probably the best one but unfortunately, it takes less than an hour to finish.

Hope you enjoy it more than me.
It's the most fun explorer. I like to let my five year old play for awhile and let her completely screw me over. Or whenever I find a crashed ship I pretend it's my only way off the planet and repair it. I like feeling like I'm the Martian.
Craig has become me.

In turn, I must become Craig.

Someone get me a beer and art supplies, I am moving to Australia.
I got Deus Ex, and I fucking love it!!

It's just more of Human Revolution basically. Not much has changed on memory.

I absolutely loved the interrogation with Talos Rucker. Hope there are more moments like those.
Master_Craig said:
Batman: Arkham Knight was a disappointing game, but I still very much enjoyed it. I loved the graphics and presentation, the on-foot game play and the size and detail of Gotham City. I hated the lack of boss fights, too much Batmobile and the story was lackluster when compared to previous Arkham games.

The DLC was very disappointing. I didn't have a season pass, I purchased the storyline only DLCs that were released. The four chapter story of Batman (four additional missions) is probably the best one but unfortunately, it takes less than an hour to finish.

Hope you enjoy it more than me.

Yeah, I only bought the season pass when it was $15 or maybe even cheaper, I don't remember anymore, simply because it looked like it was going to be a letdown. There's a bunch of skins, which while cool aren't really worth paying money for, and different Batmobiles and some unique tracks for them, which again aren't really why I got Arkham Knight in the first place.

I had an inkling most of the story DLC were going to be a bit of a letdown after playing the Harley Quinn DLC, simply because it was so quick. I've done Nightwing's and Red Hood's DLC as well and as suspected, they are both quick but fun. I'm sure Robin's and Catwoman's will be the same. I have a bit more hope for Batgirl's and the Season of Infamy which adds more side missions for Batman.

Overall, I expect to have fun with the season pass content, but in no way do I feel it was worth the original asking price of $40. For $15 or so, however, I feel I will get my money's worth.
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