What are ya playing?

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Also playing Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain for the PS4. Unfortunately I only got to play an hour last night, but I managed to finish the prologue at the very least.

Really enjoying it and I want to play more. :)

Mad Max is also out today so I'm hoping I can pick up my copy if work doesn't get in the way... I think I'll have a nice, but busy weekend of gaming. :)
"The Deer God," which is free this month on Xbox Live.

Pure garbage. Do not download it.
I've been playing MGSV for the past two evenings once the kids go to bed. Such a fantastic game so far, and I've only played the first two missions after the prologue and the side op for the Russian interpreter.

While I wish I could just take a few days off and play to my heart's content, I know that is not possible. And today is my wife's birthday, so I doubt I'll get the chance to play today. :(
Got my copy of Mad Max. Might give it a go tonight, but I'm really enjoying MGSV. Barely into it, I'm only just approaching the first mission outside of the prologue.
Yeah, i have a crazy addiction to racing sims.

Plus, I used the $30 Anthony gave me after you stole my GR shirt, so I got the Ultimate edition for the price of the regular edition.
Cool. I might do that too. Or just the standard version, haven't decided yet. I didn't buy Forza 5 or Horizon 2, so I'll justify it that way.
Started playing Mad Max for PS4, along side with Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain for PS4 too.

So far I like Mad Max. The combat was a little bit tricky to get into at first, it's quite similar to the Batman: Arkham games but a bit different.

Car combat is pretty fun though. It does take some getting used to though, particularly when using ranged weaponry.
Shovel Knight.

I got near the end on WiiU when it originally launched but never finished it. So I've been playing it on Xbone the last few days. So great.

Forza is downloading.
Green_Lantern said:
Really enjoying FORZA 6, I just wish I could stream my own music in game while racing.

I just discovered the whole playing music while snapped, while it works it is far from ideal.
Earbuds, my dude.

I always have one earbuds/headphones game in my rotation. Something that can/should be played with no need to keep my ears open for dialogue or story. Usually a sports game or grind-heavy rpg.
Got Until Dawn as a gift (I would never buy it full price). It's shit, and the characters are all dickheads. Plus the jump scares in it have been really really cheap. EG you're looking into some binoculars and a freaky demon face pops up in front of you a la


and it had NOTHING to do with the game, NOTHING to do with anything that was going on anywhere. It was as if they forgot it was a scary game when making it and just added it in. the characters didn't even react, so it was for the player!
They try and intrigue you with the whole butterfly effect thing, but in all honesty I dont give a shit if someone else lived or died - I hope they all die in fact. The only thing I'm going for is trophies!
Ugh - dont buy this...just watch it ;)
MattAY said:
Ugh - dont buy this...just watch it ;)
Not buying it at all. Although I enjoy the various decisions, these type of games are boring to me. Telltale Games' The Walking Dead is only game I'll continue to play.

Also, haven't finish the story for GTA: V on PS4. So, I'm currently doing that. Here's a funny mishap. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ez_jYcAvnh0 Also, I found software to make my mic clearer now. So, I'm happy I can continue to improve my stream.
I've been playing a lot of Mad Max lately. I'm enjoying it but there are a few niggles about the game which get on my nerves.

The game has a lot of content, a lot of story and side missions. Strangely, you can't exactly pick what missions you want to do, like most open world games. Furthermore when ever you set yourself a place to go on the map, the game doesn't give you a direct path on the map (like say, GTAV or The Witcher 3), it just plots it on your map but your continued path is a story mission, which can be a bit disorientating at times.

The camera when on-foot can be God awful, especially when you're in areas with tight corridors and such.

I'm so glad the game has an alternate control scheme. Previously, R1 was used to perform dodge rolls and circle was to use your shotgun, to me that doesn't make much sense, but thankfully you can reverse it.

It's a nice change of pace to the Phantom Pain. I'm enjoying both games but I've decided to give Phantom Pain a break.
I'm playing Super Mario Maker and this is pretty sweet. Love being able to make my maps, but really wish I could have the tools unlocked.
I've been playing Helldivers on the PS4. The retail version coming with all the DLC certainly helped a lot, as the LMG that it came with was my go-to weapon for the early stages. Now that I've got the Justice rifle with its' 'shoot through dudes' upgrade, though, I'm finding the previously challenging levels significantly less-so.
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