What are ya playing?

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Avadon 2: The Corruption, really glad I went as Tinkermage, it's like having two extra party members. Wouldn't mind another Shadowalker, two of them with backstab, critting and dishing out massive damage.
While I'm still playing Watch Dogs, I just picked up Mario Kart 8 for the Wii U and will give it a go today.

I just fear that since I haven't used my Wii U in so long, how many updates will be required?
Does anyone have any experience with Distant Worlds: Universe?

It's on Steam now and I'm a huge sucker for space 4X games.
I'll probably be playing Watch Dogs for a while. Those damn cTOS towers! I'll probably pre-order and buy the the UFC game releasing in June. They announced there'll be a demo for that on Tuesday and looking forward to checking out.
^ I unlocked all the cTOS towers, including those base thingos.

I bought Mario Kart 8 today for the Wii U and oh my God, it is an incredibly beautiful game. It's seriously one of the best looking console games I've seen in a while and it's a tremendous pleasure to play. I'm so happy that my Wii U is on again with an amazing game to play.
Now I'm playing The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD Edition for Wii U. Downloaded it for free, courtesy of registering my copy of Mario Kart 8 to Club Nintendo.

So uh... Watch Dogs is going on hold for a while. Whoops.
Decided to replay Witcher 2 on the hardest difficulty (outside the one that deletes your save when you die).

Pretty damn great game.
I'm normally playing mount and blade to death, but with all the pre-release game coming to steam I had to check out the Forest. Looks great and has very dynamic AI but needs a bunch more content and polish. Looking forward to what there going to do with it.
I'm playing Tiny Thief on the Android!

If anyone has played Zack & Wiki, this game reminds me so much of it. It's really fun.
Making my way through Tomb Raider. I feel like I'm almost done, but I should have a solid 2-3 hours of playing time left.

Great game so far. If Uncharted 2 is a 10, I'd rank it 7
Team Fortress 2, so many teams I've been on lack a medic, so I just play as one. Pretty good at it and still learning on how to improve my healing game.
I'm taking a break from The Witcher to play Battlefield Hardline.

It's pretty good. It's typical Battlefield, but it's fun to play when everyone is on the same playing field.

I won't buy it when it comes out, but it's fun.
The original. The game really isn't that bad. The controls just feel really loose when you're moving and that killed the game for me. I haven't said "fuck" that many times since playing Dark Souls. I still want to try Black Mesa but I think I'm gonna play through Mass Effect 2 first. I started that tonight.
Mass Effect 2 is one of the best games you'll play, if you've played the first. Otherwise the story won't impact you very much.

Finished Tomb Raider. Al lot longer than expected, but a great run. Definitely worth a play if you liked the Uncharted games and The Last of Us (and who didn't?)
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