We Are Better Prepared than Most!

*sigh* when will these people learn?? video games are not real and not training manual for real life. video games are pure simple enjoyment, a escape, a stress reliever. some one just shoot those idiots on fox news already.
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
De-Ting said:
I say we use the knowledge we have gained from hideo games to cause the Apocalypse.

now there is a idea. i'll start work on a zombie virus if some one wants to build a nuke.

but if we cause the Apocalypse, then there no more GR...and ice cream... and clowns... and the internet...and even worse... Video Games!!!
miak757 said:
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
De-Ting said:
I say we use the knowledge we have gained from hideo games to cause the Apocalypse.

now there is a idea. i'll start work on a zombie virus if some one wants to build a nuke.

but if we cause the Apocalypse, then there no more GR...and ice cream... and clowns... and the internet...and even worse... internet porn!!!

you forget, gr is already ran by zombies and they have all the porn we need. nude raider patches. yeahhh thats it laura, do the frog stroke, oh yeahhhhhhhhhh
Diabolus said:
I learned to drive in snow from playing Ridge Racer. Counter steering for the motherfucking win.

Now thats what im talking about!!!!!

I've never drifted a car before, but I would like to think that my training in Gran Tourismo has prepared me incase I need to ever drift in an emergency.. [Turn, handbrake, downshift, accelerate]

I've Learned that if I ever get attacked by an overgrown mushroom with teeth, all i have to do is jump on its back.
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
*sigh* when will these people learn?? video games are not real and not training manual for real life. video games are pure simple enjoyment, a escape, a stress reliever. some one just shoot those idiots on fox news already.

You do realize that it's from the onion and is thus a parody/joke anyway, right?

but seriously, i like to think my long hours of gaming has taught me something... maybe.... i hope.
NickKmet said:
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
*sigh* when will these people learn?? video games are not real and not training manual for real life. video games are pure simple enjoyment, a escape, a stress reliever. some one just shoot those idiots on fox news already.

You do realize that it's from the onion and is thus a parody/joke anyway, right?

but seriously, i like to think my long hours of gaming has taught me something... maybe.... i hope.

it's from fox news, which still makes it a joke anyways.
Video Games have taught me that I would be the greatest hockey player alive had I made it. 53 points in 13 games? Eat me Wayne Gretzky.
I agree it was hilarious
Video Games taught me...(So begins UghRochesters wonders)

That i could get a hooker if i drove up and honk the horn
Use active came to hide from fellow shooters
look through my enemies body for bottle caps or nuka cola of some sort.

You know what? most of the stuff i will learn through Video games maybe listed somewhere on the Discovery channel.
KoalaRainbowPoop said:
it's from fox news, which still makes it a joke anyways.

Its from The Onion, which while blatantly fictional, is oddly ore reliable than Fox News.

Anyways, lets not forget that other games has helped us out: WoW teaches us how to fish and make jewelry; WAR teaches us how to cultivate plants to make potions; Fable teaches us how to bartend; Viva Pinata train us how to breed animals and then feed them to each other, etc.
Trippysmurf said:
WoW teaches us how to fish and make jewelry; WAR teaches us how to cultivate plants to make potions; Fable teaches us how to bartend; Viva Pinata train us how to breed animals and then feed them to each other, etc.
Oh, and don't forget Leisure Suit Larry, which taught me many things in 4th grade.
hahahahaha.....keepit...how did you ever get your hands on a copy of leisure suit larry in the 4th grade?
keepithowitis said:
Trippysmurf said:
WoW teaches us how to fish and make jewelry; WAR teaches us how to cultivate plants to make potions; Fable teaches us how to bartend; Viva Pinata train us how to breed animals and then feed them to each other, etc.
Oh, and don't forget Leisure Suit Larry, which taught me many things in 4th grade.

um, what could you possibly lear-
scratch that,
I don't want to know.
NickKmet said:
hahahahaha.....keepit...how did you ever get your hands on a copy of leisure suit larry in the 4th grade?
Rich kids. This particular one had GTA Vice City (he knew all the whore cheats as well) and Manhunt as well. :twisted:

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