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Who the fuck is getting this pile of awesome on the 22nd then?!

Made by the same guys who did Bayonetta (aw ye). But it looks about 10x more amazing, and 100x manlier.

Here's a trailer incase you havent seen it and you' a rock or something: ... re=channel

So many great games have come out and will come out lately! Halo: Reach, Dead Rising 2, Naruto Shippuuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 (that's probably just me), THIS. Then we have Fable 3 coming out soon, a bit of Sims 3 on the console release. And then my next purchase will probably be Dead Space 2 in January. At least two of these games will be on my Christmas list from spending so much! DAMN!
You forgot about Fallout New Vegas...Which probably be the only major title I buy for the rest of the year.
LOL I only come here for the forum. I've even got the forum page bookmarked so I don't even know what the hell is on the front page.
Played the PS3 demo last week, the demo is gorgeous and it actually plays well. Sega has been releasing some primo stuff lately (I want to punch the dude who decided Valkyria Chronicles should be on PSP.).
Just got the game today... i had to put the controller down not because it's bad but...

HOLY CRAP! I have no idea what the plot is. All i can tell is explosions, explosions, explosions Huge death robots popping from the ground... And something about Russia and San Francisco? Everything is going too fast!

Seriously, In the first mission, your enormous space ship have to enter another bigger ship just so you can use it to enter the biggest ship... All that happen in 5 minutes and like 3000 men dies in the process like a Roland Emmerich film. This game is awesome, but my head hurt... i have to lie down...

Hehe... Hilary Clinton as our president... nice touch Sega!
This AWESOME! I find that I run out of ammo real quick though. I have to hope someone gets injured so they reward you with ammo when you heal them!
Just completed it! GLORIOUS! I couldn't put it down. After a while it felt a bit like Lost Planet, but a bit faster! Now to whore for achievements. Love the fact there aren't any online/multiplayer ones (probably because there isnt any online or multiplayer ;))


Looks extremely evident there will be a sequel!

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