Modern Warfare Deux Clans

Are you seeing an imbalance yet? Like is Federation the new Alliance, or are the play styles with Feds more PVE and Klingons more PVP an interesting end engaging design?
well, i personally haven't made it that far yet while beta testing. They've been limited in what they've released, and sense we're supposed to be testing, they're asking us to run through as much as the content as possible. So far the pve has been enjoyable. I haven't gotten to the point where i can be a klingon yet, but i'll let you know once i get there.

the only thing that frustrates me is that they haven't released information on pricing plans yet. Supposedly they were going to release something today, but that has yet to happen. I've decided not to drop any money on a pre-order until i know exactly what it's going to cost me in the long run.
I figure the usual $14.99 a month, or buy a year for $100. I usually stick with the monthly since I never know how long I'll play an MMO.
yeah, they released pricing yesterday. It is 14.99 a month, so i went ahead and bought the game. i figure after the 30 days it comes with i'll be too busy with school to play regularly, so i'll just buy time cards as i go or whatever. Or, since i bought it on steam, my brother can download it and play when i'm not.

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