GameRevolution's Official Destiny 2 Clan

Paul Tamburro

Executive Editor
Staff member
You asked for it, so here it is: GameRevolution's official Destiny 2 clan.

As I previously outlined in the announcement earlier today, this is a GR clan for all of our readers across all platforms. Not only will it be a way for you to play with the GR staff and your fellow GR readers, but with enough members, it'll also be a great way you to earn the rewards and character perks that come with being a part of an active, lively clan.

From here on out, you can all use this forum thread to discuss events, organize Strikes or Crucible trips among yourselves and, eventually, plan out how to take on its upcoming Raid and Trials of Osiris. I will also be using this thread to organize times to meet online, and to outline when the GR staff and I will be heading on to kick ass alongside you all.

Good luck, GRuardians!
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Yes!! All my whinging worked. :rolleyes:

I'm on PS4, currently lvl13 arcstrider (melee/mobility build).
PSN: jamberrycloud
Apparently the clan system is now fully functional in-game; v1.03 update was a massive 5GB patch so I'm assuming the raid content was in there as well. I still find the clan pages a bit funky though...

Hopefully our clan members are nice people and can carry raid noobs like me through my first ever run!
So I had a request pending for two weeks and then I got picked up by another clan with five dudes in it. Any chance we can get more approvers?
So I had a request pending for two weeks and then I got picked up by another clan with five dudes in it. Any chance we can get more approvers?
Sorry about this -- we've been hiring here on GR, so I have been completely swamped and haven't had much spare time to manage the Destiny 2 clan. I'll get on it now.
I have a confession to make.

I left the clan today.

Whole weekend, played in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, late night, saw a total of 2 people even online, and the one I sent an invite to didn't even respond.

As much as would like to fly the GR flag (people will notice my tag when they get killed by the decidedly non-popular "crappy"/non-meta weapons I use), a clan without active clanmates defeats all purpose.

Who knows, maybe someday, I'll be back!

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