GameRevolution At E3 2017


Former Executive Editor
Starting tomorrow, June 10th, our staff will be in Los Angeles to cover E3 2017. GameRevolution's on-site team for the show is as follows:
  • Aron Garst
  • Cody Perez
  • Griffin Vacheron
  • James Kozanitis
  • Jonathan Leack
  • Matthew Utley
You can view our appointment and coverage schedule here:

If there is anything at the show you would like us to check out, have a feature topic suggestion, or just want to chat about E3, post a reply to this thread.
That's awesome that so many of you are going. Have fun and don't work too hard!

I need to know everything about Star of Decay 2, so I guess focus on that haha
I'll be looking forward to seeing what Nintendo brings in, Microsoft's Scorpio, any news on THQ and Darksiders 3, and finally any Funko Pop's presence.
Loving some of the new games. Anthem looks great, as does Mario Rabbids!
Skull & Bones could be fucking amazing!
And Assassin's Creed Origins is now Far Cry...brilliant.
I'm pretty excited for quite a few games:
  • The Anthem - what the next Mass Effect should have been
  • Star Wars: Battlefront II - what the first Battlefront should have been
  • Beyond Good & Evil 2 - no game play, but still excited
  • Far Cry 5 - looks really fun
  • Days Gone - also looks fun
  • Metroid II: Return of Samus remake - excited 'cuz I loved the original game as a wee lad
  • Metroid Prime 4 - even though they showed nothing except a frickin' title card
  • Super Mario: Odyssey - looks different and fun
  • Horizon Zero Dawn's The Frozen Wilds DLC - just finished Horizon Zero Dawn, I need more
  • The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild's DLC - looks fun
  • Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - love the art direction
  • Spider-Man - looks fun
  • Uncharted: The Lost Legacy - love Uncharted
There may be a few I've gotten, but it looks good to me so far. I am disappointed that there's no news/updates for The Last of Us 2, though.
I'm hurrrrr, sportin da GR

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