Destiny - an official thread of people talking about Destiny

I almost forgot to say some bosses are actually great to fight. When I was playing with Dan and somebody else teaming up against this rancor looking creature, I was unaware it's most vital area wasn't its head. There was this spot on the chest that would light up more damage if you shot it. So in shorter speaking terms, I like the fact you have find the vital(s) of the bosses.
I got to play a little bit of Destiny last night, after some issues.

My home town has been hit with some pretty bad power outages lately. Last night I was downloading my PS4 system update and I was told my suburb was going to have a scheduled power outage. At 96% of the system update install, we had a power out. I was like "omg nooooo" because I thought there was a chance my PS4 could be bricked.

Well, just over an hour later the power came back on and my PS4 was fine. So I got to try out Destiny.

It's a pretty game and I absolutely love the sound track and I really like the setting. The game itself is pretty fun so far but I haven't played many missions, only two I believe. I made a Titan character because I wasn't sure what to roll with, so I just went Titan. Haven't played with other players yet.
So it seems the interwebs general consensus is the game is fun with friends, multiplayer is hit or miss, if you play alone it gets repetitive and stale
Well I caved. My xbone madden bundle + destiny free game for $399 will be here a week from tomorrow - everybody was sold out of madden 15 bundles so I had to order online.

Got a few buddies who picked destiny up on Xbox one so I'll actually have someone to play with unlike in beta (and on xone not 360). I'll give the game an honest shot, if I ignored Defiances flaws as long as I did I'm sure this will be 1000x better.

Either way mordor is coming soon and MCC is out on my bday :)

Anybody in this thread playing on xbox one?
So can this game be played single player? I have no interest in playing with a team or online co-op or with/against others.
From what I've experienced, you can solo a fair amount of this game if you want to but there's apparently missions in the game that suggest you may need team mates for help to complete it (might be too difficult solo). I'm not sure if there are any missions that require other players though.

I'm pretty sure it's an online only game, as in you've gotta be connected to the Internet through X-Box LIVE, PSN etc.
Had a bit more of a play with Destiny today. I played with a mate of mine from judo after training this morning. He's got a Warlock and I've got my TItan, luckily we're about even level, both level five now.

It was pretty fun playing with a friend. I also found that we would randomly run into other players (or Guardians) on our missions and they would just follow us and help us out, or we would help them fight. One time we ran into this Guardian trying to take on all these waves of enemies by themselves, so my mate and I jumped in to help him.

I finally got my "super charge" skill as well, it's pretty awesome.

My brother questioned the game asking about enemy variety, because when he watched me play he noticed a lot of the same enemies. In all fairness, I don't know how broad the enemy variety is because I'm only level five. I'm hoping that the variety of enemies will increase.

We got our first vehicles, those funky jet bike things. Riding those reminds me of Star Wars.

Maybe it's too early to say but so far I'm really enjoying Destiny.
I'm on Venus now. This has a new set of enemies known as The Vex. I do like there are pretty good number so far of different enemies. I'm glad those robot creatures (The Vex) weakness isn't a headshot.

I also completed my first strike with a random person. It was the moon strike I couldn't complete with Dan and another player.

I'll admit the game is fun with friends that are on an even rank, but the story missions so far are repetitive to me.
Keeping this thread alive, I'm Level 21 now. The max cap is 20, but it's far more than that. I dislike the level capping after 20. It's unique to me to level cap by picking armor up, but I'd prefer it to be multplayer matches and skill. I completed the main story for my Hunter class. I went back to the patrol missions, because of a bounty and discovered many different side missions. I find that great, but they're mainly collecting stuff off enemies.

I still have mixed feelings about the game, but I wouldn't say it's a waste of money. It's great if you can withstand FPS games hours on end.
Destiny seems to be one of those FPS' that I can play for long durations of time. I think it's because of the RPG elements as well as the semi-open environments.

FPS games that stick you in enclosed corridors a lot (e.g. Wolfenstein: The New Order) I can only play in short bursts, about half an hour to an hour. Destiny I could play for a few hours.

It's a shame to hear the level cap is only thirty. It also bothers me that you can only have up to three players with you (including yourself) to tackle missions co-op. When three mates and I play (being four), we only seem to be able to do Crucible multiplayer together... which is still fun.
So we're all agreed Destiny is missing about 50% of its content, right?

Like, it was either very rushed or they're going to DLC it out the arse?
Because at the moment, you can play it for about 8hrs and then that's it, you've done and seen all there is, thanks for coming. There's very little in the way of awesome raids, there's no real explorable areas with varied baddies, it's just... empty.
I'm also getting the vibe that a lot of features were cut at the last moment, for some reason. There's a whole lot customizable things and inventory pick ups that don't do a damn thing, such as the ships and bikes/vehicles.

Also, the crucible. A flawed system where higher levels have vastly superior weaponry and powers such that the immense gap is only made worse by the apocalyptic lag. Hey, who else likes the pre-order bonus where you hit level 10, get your free gun, and proceed to win every match until level 15 because it's so fucking overpowered?
Leveling up in it is fast, which ruins the balance of the rest of the game (until level 20 where you FINALLY unlock some different difficulties), but then the entire goddamn leveling system changes and suddenly it's all about that epic loot, brah.

It's like they intentionally went out, cut down 3 entire different genres (FPS, Dungeon Crawler, MMO) to squeeze them into 1 game.
Thing is, with just a bit more content (and refusing to pay tyrion until he said the damn lines correctly) they would've done it properly too. It was so damn close.

And no, i'm not going to be spending another $40 in the hope that they add some fucking content in the future. I refuse to reward this modern system where they cut the game in half and sell the full thing to you over a few months for extra money. Even the bloody horse armor was better.
The only reason why I continue to play this game is my addiction to level up a character. However, I sorta disagree with you on exploring. I wish you could use your ghost and travel through areas that you can't go due to instant death. I like discovering eggs in the games.

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