Trash Talkin'


It just annoys me. Most poeple know what I'm talking about, and most people have been the offenders. The online gaming trash talker is so ingnorantly stupid, it is infuriating. Like when you are playing and you lose, they say "LOL you suck noob, totally owned". It isn't enough that they beat you, they have to sit in the comfort of their own home and insult you from the other side of the world. And "owned", what is up with that? If they just shot the crap outta me, then that shows how well they take care of stuff they "own". And if you beat them: "OMG. U sed u were a noob, OMG this sucks" and they disconnect, hanging the server and denying you any victory points. These people are idiots. But at least they arent as annoying as those guys who DONT talk, and at the end just say "gg".
People like that ruin the game for others. Why can't they just have fun and enjoy the game? They call you a noob, then they get mad cuz you beat them. Sometimes I wish I had a shotgun and that same player sitting in front of me.

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