They don't make 'em like they used to...Thank God.

I prefer games that allow you to chose the difficulty, so if you feel that difficulty is too easy, you can kick it up a notch.
i agree with the above post about the difficulty choosing. I just hate it when the game is HARD on easy lol. take the original devil may cry 3, before the "special edititon" came out, with the easier difficulty, the game was hella hard on even the easiest mode. take even ninja gaiden, that game was also hard. its good to have a choice, but games are made to be fun, and there's a point where its not fun, its more frustrating than anything.
Game developers have learned over the years that having the player set the difficulty means more sales. Why make a game so difficult that casual gamers won't buy it? And on the other side of the coin, why make it so easy that hardcore gamers won't care for it? One of the reasons arcades began to die off was due to how they were becoming too skill-based (e.g. Street Fighter), knocking casual gamers out. If anything, easing up on the difficulty has helped the industry gain a wider audience.

I happen to play on the easiest difficulty setting most of the time, except for rhythm-based games, but that's only because I like being able to let out my aggression on pitifully easy enemies. But of course when I'm up for a challenge, I will amp things up. Being able to adjust the difficulty helps players get the most out of the game, independent of their moods. Still, there is an air of unrelenting difficulty surrounding classic games, so I wouldn't want to change any of that. As much as I want to be able to beat a game, I want my Street Fighter II's to be hard, darn it!
Ninja Gaiden is a good example of a game I haven't beaten, but the harder than hell difficulty is perfect, because everytime I blew up the tank and then the helicopter, It was a sense of accomplishment.

Same with Tomb Raider Legend, even on difficult the puzzles were easy-but the sense of accomplishment gained when you finally figure out where the gold icon is for the level is perhaps the most rewarding experience I've yet had on my 360.

games like Rainbow Six Vegas and like Gears of War I usually try and play it on normal or hard, (which ever is the hardest difficulty availible from the outset) and work from there to get a real good feel for the game. After that, It's on to the hardest difficulty to really hone your skills.

I may not be a totally hardcore gamer, but I'm good enough to spend hours perfecting my headshots-cause I have nothing else to do. But when I get back into college I imagine playing games in short spurts, I might have to go for those where I can save and come back, or easy access online games in which playing for a few hours can be as satisfying as previously mentioned days devoted to gaming.

In all, what's the sense of making new technology if it can't change with the times? Graphics have always been improving, and its important to remember that gaming would lose its appeal if it still operated in 8 bit on high definition moniters. Graphics should be icing on the cake. The real sense of loss is the catering to the casual gamers, the games that had mounds of potential that were wasted on making the game more user friendly. If people want to play the game, they'll learn how-and if they suck at it they'll practice to optimize their play. If not-they'll find a different game.

Right now I am beating Resistance on Medium on my first playthrough, which makes me feel good because all my other friends beat it on easy on their only playthrough.

With Kingdom Hearts 2, I beat it on the hardest difficulty on my first playthrough before my friend who was beating it on normal and got the game before me.

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