The Sniper Mission

Is it just me, or nowadays does every FPS seem to have a sniper mission, or at the least a sort of "lone hunter" mission where you are given either in the case of the sniper mission, a sniper rifle (duhh) and the tension of no backup/ deep in enemy territory or for "lone hunter" some of the most powerful weapons in the game/ air support ( :D )
I think I would be right in saying that most FPS's released for a while (or at least most the ones I have bought) have featured at least one level on the premise of this...
I know CoD 4 does that but I haven't really played many other FPS games since then, can't afford it and CoD is teh awesome so I don't really stray from it.
Probably just wondering if anyone else has noticed the trend, which is a true one, and smiling that they noticed too.
I enjoyed the COD4 mission, although it only made me wish more that I could actually play more missions like it, but the fact that it was just a single mission made it feel all the more special, like the gunning mission.
It just makes you feel sexy to kill every last mother on your own, even if it's designed to be easy as muffins.

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