The People Have Spoken!

And they want 10 more years of Ugh!
You were there! Remember when UghRochester needed love? You were there!

Through the 10 years I've been on this forums, I've going to narcissistically say I've grown from an immature teenager to...well, a much mature person than my previous years. I may not post as much on the main site much anymore (sh*t has gone down, can't even be bias about that), but I want you all to know I'll never give up on GR! I'm UghRochester, The Fattest Jedi around, and I approve this message!


Shit, this made me realize i've also been here for 10 years.

You guys remember when it was black and red? Those were good days
Nothing is Tony the Tiger great!

Apart from Frosties obviously.

Congrats Ugh!





GOD DAMN!! I dont know about you but they just gave me a BIG MAC!

...and are they all underage?


Congratulations on the 10 years, Ugh! And... whoa, holy crap. Just saw that link. That's horrible news.
Yeah, I went to get my mail yesterday. Went outside exactly 5PM, because I saw our local news station was down here and knew it would be live at the time. There was a bunch of police there and when getting my mail, I was stopped. This is how that conversation went.

Officer: "What are you doing?"
Me: "Getting my mail?"
Officer: "Where?"
Me: "(pointing to the mailbox) There?"
Officer: "Go ahead."

The girl who died, can't believe she was good looking. Then again, I don't know my neighbors. I'll type about that shortly. Right now, the scum bag who is accused of killing her, worked at the gas station I go to. Luckily this morning, they caught him a couple states away in Kentucky. The media aren't sure whether he turned himself in or apprehended by all the alerts being made. All I know is he's a registered sex offender.

Like I said above, I didn't know this girl as my neighbor. I haven't introduced myself to anyone who lives in my apartment building nor have they. I guess that rule has changed in years knowing there are crazy people out there and "stranger danger." All I know from my landlord blurting about working on the apartments above me is they're occupied to two young women. One, I can hear the girl above me have sex and another above me have a shower around 5:30 in the morning. I know that sounds creepy me hearing that, but I assure you, you can't prevent hearing it. The one morning I checked my mail, I didn't shower and was all raggedy. This small young attractive girl said hi to me. Really wish I knew she was. Sh*t, I wish I knew what the women living above me look like. Maybe that young girl is one of the people living above me? My friend suggested I take a piece of mail from their mailboxes and act like it was delivered to the wrong apartment building. I would have tried this plan, but each mail box has a key. My hopes is the mail man really does f*ck up. Sh*t, I'm so damn curious about what my neighbors look like, I changed my SSID on my router to @UghRochesterOnTwitter
Going a little off topic, it's probably a good idea to try and have a chat with your neighbors sometime, regardless of who they are, just to at the very least identify who they are, and so they know who you are too. Who knows, friendships and possible beyond could form from there, depending on the person. The mail box idea sounds... a little weird, but luckily you guys got keys and stuff anyway. Hey, if it happens for real, then go right ahead. :p

Easier said than done, but I think it's worth a try.

I'm glad to hear they apprehended the guy who did it. Sorry to hear that it happened in the first place.
When in doubt just say hi. And less is more when planning on how to meet ladies. If you make it convoluted and one thing falls through you'll get flustered. /real advice

Plus you have a segue. "Hi I live downstairs and hear you shower and shag."

Congrats. You have aged much. Gotten a haircut. Become a streamer and been a genuine diehard fan. Thanks for the memories.

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