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Chris_Hyde said:
Perhaps people should play their class the way it was intended to be played. That's why blizzard doesn't give end game warrior stuff for pure dps, they intended for classes to be played certain ways. That's why your decision in the beginning of the game is crucial as to which class you decide to play.

If warriors were meant to be only tanks, why the hell is arms or fury an option then? Or plate gear with agility and strength bonuses instead of just sstrength, stamina? or Epic gear with crit chance and agility?

Surely Blizzard isn't saying you have to play a class a certain way, but their content for any other way is lacking for those who don't PVP. I'm sure we'll see more in the coming patches though for sure.
Chris_Hyde said:
I suppose blizzard is giving the warriors who the play the role they are expected to play the good gear.[/quote

And the DPS warriors good gear too through PvP.

Good gear is out there, they just seem to assume only tanks do raids, and only dps warriors do pvp.

I want the Grand Marshal's sword for sure though. Totally reminds me of the sword Guts uses in Sword of The Berserk.
Heh. The high end pvp gear for me isn't too apealing, i would prefer my epic bow and staff to any of the grand marshel stuff.
Chris_Hyde said:
Heh. The high end pvp gear for me isn't too apealing, i would prefer my epic bow and staff to any of the grand marshel stuff.

Which epic bow , the hunter quest one? Yeah, that's defiantely hot. I prefer that over the PvP bow. My hunter I'd rather get his giantstalker than PvP gear, pally, I'd rather get my PvP gear.

What server do you play on anyways? And what race?
Gurubashi, a NE. My guild will be fighting domo next time we run MC(most likely friday) so i hope we

A) at least beat him
B) he drops the damn leaf
When not as a main tank but as a damage dealer I usually match the dps of a rogue. Often this is higher than most casters.
How Fun

Really how fun is WoW my friend gave me it and I havent subscribed yet I have to know. I have EQII so work off that.
^Does EQ2 have PvP yet? I know the new expansion has or will have PvP content, but is it in the regular game? If not then, damn... that is low. They tell people PvP is on the way and then make them buy an expansion to get it, which should be in the game in the first place.

If that is true then I'm not surprised since this is SOE here.
Re: How Fun

CRlobe said:
Really how fun is WoW my friend gave me it and I havent subscribed yet I have to know. I have EQII so work off that.

Out of 10? Wow is a 20. It's the most addicting game I've ever played, and I've played 'em all, son. If you like RPGs even a little, buy this game. It's worth the $15 a month. Trust me.
Sounds sweet i"ll try it next month when my EQ II subscription. And yeah the PvP is in the normal game now, EQII Evovled a lot with the updates bunch of the game changed.
So I'm getting bored of WoW again I think.

A new RP/PVP server opened up two days ago. I've always wanted to be one of the first 60s on a server. I might just go and make an alt there. Argent Dawn has changed too much since I first started. Too many arrogant jackasses who think they're cool because of their epics. A new server wouldn't have that.

I just installed "Vampire - The Masquerade : Bloodlines", hoping that will divert my attention for abit and give me a new, interesting game to try.
Well that Vampire game will last you a good while if try for all the different endings, and its a lot of sensless violent fun!
CRlobe said:
Well that Vampire game will last you a good while if try for all the different endings, and its a lot of sensless violent fun!

Excellent :).

I chose the Ventrue clan, just finished the first act. I'm at the warehouse...Pain in the ass that is.

Anyways, I wonder when the WoW expansion will be shipped. I'd like to see it before the reported Q3 06 date.
new ally race

pally, lvl 33 muradon. any opioins on the alliances race? personally i don't belieive its going to be the dranai, too many links to the blood elves. neubrians =scorge. and finally the pandarans are suppose to be a rarity and (if its possible) extreamly neutral. personally i can't think of anything else, any suggestions?
I'll probably reopen my account when the expansion comes out, and or when I get a better computer for gaming :roll:
Chris_Hyde said:
I'd try out the blood elves except they'll be all casters :(.

Nah... You can also be a warrior blood elf. I think they will also add either rouge or hunter.
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