The game you wanted to complete, but you couldn't

for me right now it's FFXII Im 40 hours into the game and I haven't played it in about two weeks (I bought it last month) I dont know, it's just not doing it for me. The main story or the side quests too much grinding for scraps. A 50 million hit point optional boss? Are you serious.

And the Killer8 portion of Killer7 couldn't be bothered to play through that game again if they had a cutscene viewer then yes but to play through it again albeit Harmon was badass i'd have to be in the mood. Then again Killer7 wouldn't count in this post due to me having to have finished it in the first place to play killer8.............................oh well.
Mafia (for PS2) - Wanted to finish it but the controls translated very, very poorly over and made it unplayable

Silent Hill 1-3- YAWN.
dongarcia said:
It's the VAGRANT STORY....i really had a hard time finishing this game..

same... i stare at it every day wondering whether i should finish it.

Also, Ace Combat 5 : The Unsung War. i never got to complete.
Oh, GTA San Andreas. I loaned it away before I ever fully completed the main story and it was never returned to me. I need to buy a new copy and restart.
I could never get to the end of Serious Sam: the Second Encounter. Not that it was too hard its just that it gets very repetitive after the one billionth kleer skeleton you have blasted.
I should say its TOMB Raider....I really have a hard time finishing this game...Its so damn hard...too many puzzles along the way nah...But i will finish it...can someone give the cheats and walkthroughs....thanks in advance..
Oh man, so many to mention. When you have so many pirated games like i do, you just dont appreciate the game as much.

So far its pretty much all the EA sports games, MOH: Vanguard, Warcraft 3 FT and a few others i cant remember now.
Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.

I rented it, thought I beat it, but then I hear that there is an additional main storyline if you manage to make enough money by doing something, ehhh, I didn't really like it that much anyways.

I did beat it ,but it took me several years to be RE:CV:X

Medal of Honor Allied Advance
I got into the omaha beach landing part, beat it, and the rest of the game just didn't feel worth playing through.

I don't think I've beat a single Tomb Raider, ever.

Quake 4, rented it, but the bloody disc was so scratched up that it wouldn't go past the second bloody level, or..was it the first, either way.

I'm sure there has been a couple more, but I just couldn't name them right name.
lokness said:
Oh man, so many to mention. When you have so many pirated games like i do, you just dont appreciate the game as much.

So far its pretty much all the EA sports games, MOH: Vanguard, Warcraft 3 FT and a few others i cant remember now.

Yeah Warcraft 3 FT is hard but I managed to complete it but it took me some time to do it. I think I played the last level like 50 times before winning and it was a close call ... :p
Enchanted Arms, the last Didn't run through the temple in junk city either, which apparently is far harder. Didn't have potions or items to beat the boss and I was too lazy to run back to a station and buy them because it wasn't exactly close.

Chrono Trigger. I got to...some giant mask like boss on a floating ship and my dad decided to delete the ROM along with a few others...Why, I can't remember. This happened 3 times after getting to the SAME SPOT OVER AND OVER AND OVER.

Shadowrun for Genesis. Seriously? That game is hard, lol.
i had shadowrun onSnes. that game was dope as hell. once you get to hack into the matrix, things just take off. but i got stuck at the point where you wake up with a bomb in your gut and the doctor wants like 3000 yen to take it out or you die in 20 minutes. i was 6 and was like, fuck it.
Final Fantasy 3 on SNES. I tried my damndest to play it, but the sheer agony of random battles on the Ghost Train made sure I'd never play it again.
Well, most NES games I had access to, I could never beat. Super Mario Bros 3 was in fact amongst the few I did beat (be aware that I didn't have many games). And of course, some games were designed to just go on forever (like Pro Am Racing)...

THere's plenty of games that I've finished, but not -finished- finished (i.e. sidequest bosses and the likes). But rare are the games whose main game keeps eluding me beating it thanks to difficulty (or even boredom). After all, most games are meant to be beaten, though I have never played Viewtiful Joe, nor Ninja Gaiden...

My biggest "shame" in this department is probably that I still haven't beaten "Cowboys From Hell" on Expert. Though I do intend to, one day...

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