Games that everyone else likes, but you don't.


Very well I love confession threads like this. Typing this on my friend's comp but I'll write more after i come back home.

Gran theft auto 5

I tried so hard to like it. I tried so hard to do just like what in the trailer said where i can do anything i want from parachuting, golfing, yoga, walk the dog, collect tattoos and clothes and what ever. I tried to force myself to ignore all the problems it got in character and crude humor... But in the end i found the whole game to be boring. It's like i thought that maybe i could defend the game on good gameplay but during the cutscenes and the radio host that reminded me this game isn't made for me, i couldn't help myself and think "Man... i wish i was playing red dead redemption or sleeping dog..." after i had to ride out the same mansion over and over again after i failed the mission.

Zelda skyward sword

People know me i am not a big Zelda lover (except for windwaker and twilight princess) but that one was for me the weakest game in the franchise. I could tell what was going to happen next and i just groaned every time i was in a dungeon/temple. I kept telling myself that after this the game will be fun but it ended up being repetitive. Groose had a cool theme song though.


I don't why... maybe cause i was too much in the hype or maybe i was fooling myself into thinking this game was something that wasn't. But in the end, i was not only disappointing in the game as a whole but also realized it's a very... forgettable game. Like maybe for one or two sweet kills and some funny parts, there's nothing much for me to remember what was special about the game. Even with that original steampunk meets the future city design they had, in the end I thought the entire game was a weak version of Deus Ex.

And probably one that will get me some bad rep...

Far cry 3

"Do you know the definition of insanity?" Ok... so ya gonna tell me or are you too goofy of a world to take you seriously? Honestly here, all the marketing made the game look like it was going to be heart of darkness meets American psycho. But after i burn down the marijuana field with a flamethrower with some Bob Marley sound alike music in the background before i went out collecting animal skins for a wacky guy on the radio did i realize that i was expecting the wrong game. If i wanted goofy violence in a crazy world, i'd play Just cause 2. I think the part that made me cringed a bit was when i traveled back to France and played the Co-op game with my friends there... You know i love that they try really hard to make the game realistic and mature and all but playing as people with tourette syndrome (in french by the way which made us laugh how hard the voice actor tried to be tough) with silly role divided gameplay made us wish we were playing castle crasher. I actually liked Far cry 2 better and that game was repetitive as heck!
And like i told Necro once, I wanted Vaas to be Heath Ledger, they gave me The tick... with more violence.
Lien said:
some Bob Marley sound alike music in the background
Probably because it was Damian Marley. So it kind of gets a pass.

As for me, I've got a couple. Well, probably more than a couple.

The Last of Us

I kind of get why people loved this game so much, but at the same time I could tell it wasn't for me. I mean, the whole first hour of the game, where you play as the little girl who wasn't in any of the promotional material and thus doomed from the get go, is just watching stuff happen. It could've been an interesting scene that you interact with. But instead you're in a car watching stuff happen. Then something happens, you get control for a minute, and then it's five minutes telling what happens the next few decades. And then it's another half hour of walking around listening to people talk and not actually doing anything. So after an hour and a half of nothing, the game starts. Sort of.

Though I what really turned me off the game and made me stop caring was a level in the next part where shit goes down and there are a dozen zombies running at you. There was no way to avoid this, so I just went along with it. You run down an alley, and the door at the end is locked. So, naturally, I turn to fight back, either to buy time or kill the few right behind me. Except there are too many, so that it's completely pointless to fight them. Instead, the door is scripted to open riiiiight before they get there. So it was an encounter that you could not avoid and could not act in. And the second you're through the door, the threat disappeared.

I played for another hour or so, but I couldn't muster up enough dark magic to give a shit for what I knew was pretty pointless. Especially since I'm pretty sure I know exactly what happens in the story enough that I don't care to keep playing.

Now I've kind of tired myself out. Moving on...

Bioshock Infinite

This game was alright, but the problem with it was that since it abandoned the RPG aspects of the previous games, it was left as another shooter, except this time it's in an area in the clouds. Except you get to really experience this aspect of it in the beginning and that's about it. Rather than it feeling like an organic city like in Rapture, it feels like a place where there are a million police officers who love to fight you in waves. That, and the whole racism/bigotry aspect of the world? Never actually comes into play. You walk by a bathroom marked "For coloreds" and Elizabeth goes "Why do they do that? That's bad." And that's it. Thanks for telling me that racism is bad. Amazing job tackling mature subjects.

And since it's just another shooter now, it has to be compared to all the other shooters that do the whole gunplay aspect of it even better. All in all, the gameplay just felt mediocre.

That and the story didn't even make sense in the rules of its own universe, without you having to say "It makes sense because Elizabeth has all sorts of powers that allow her to break all the rules that they set because she can."

And I also didn't get into The Walking Dead. I think the games that are "Grizzled old man with guilt issues and innocent young daughter surrogate realize that people can be worse than monsters" aren't the games for me.

Also, Mass Effect 2

I went in expecting a story driven shooter/rpg, and instead I got a character driven shooter. If I cared about the characters, maybe it would've been interesting. But 70% of your team were dealing with childhood/parenting issues, and three of them were literally just "daddy issues". And then they jump in your pants. Pass.

And Skyrim

No attributes and all fetch quests make Skyrim a dull game.
SSX, I would like a realistic snowboarding game. Even though it's not snowboarding, I love Skate 2.

Pretty much every MMORPGs.
Definitely with you guys on most of those, 'cept I've found every Zelda game I've played to be less than enjoyable.

Dishonored? Boring.
Far Cry 3? Okay, but no Far Cry 2.
Last of Us? Frustrating.
Bioshock Infinite? Give me back one or two.

I also didn't really care for Assassin's Creed after II.
Or any Mass Effect.
Batman: Arkham City? Wasn't as good as the first.
Spec Ops: The Line was just bad.
As was Vanquish.
And Battlefield 3.

Have I pissed anyone off yet? I also don't like Gears of War or Halo. Any of them.
The Walking Dead. It was OK, just not the second coming of Christ in a video game like every one made it out to be.
Battlefield 3 - I'm not a big multiplayer guy for the most part and the single player story mode, to me at least, was lacking. I can see the appeal but I was never able to get into it.

Deus Ex: Human Revolution - The controls feel somewhat broken (Console - PS3, may be the reason why, might be much better on PC) and that's my biggest problem. I probably should go back and give it another go but my first impressions were not good.

Halo (Any of them) - I played about half of the first one and got really bored with it. I own the second one, got it on ebay with the first one years ago, but I've never played it. I played some of Halo 3 but lost interest after a few hours.

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Fallout 3 ruined me. Kept trying to VATs, didn't work.

Dead Rising - The AI for some of the NPC made the game unplayable for me. Try to escort someone to safety and they run off to attack zombies and get themselves killed. I rage-quit this game more times than I'd like to admit.

With all of these games, I tried. I really did but I just couldn't get into them. I want to give them a second chance eventually but, like I had stated previously, my first impression with them wasn't all that great.
Oh yeah, despite the fact that i know pretty much everything about the halo universe, i don't like the games all that much either. Just too boring and especially on the higher difficulties, it can take you fucking hours just to cross a large room.
Any game of like Heroes of Newearth (HoN), DotA 2 and League of Legends:

A lot of my friends play these games and they love them. I've tried to play them but I'm not very good at them, the communities are filled with raging lunatics and I feel matches just tend to drag on and on. Not for me.

The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword:

I tried to like this. I loved Twilight Princess so I tried to like Skyward Sword. Despite finishing it, it honestly felt like a chore to finish. The game was really repetitive and the whole flying in the sky environment felt so dead and empty. On the world's surface was also not much to explore, it just felt really repetitive and boring.

Starcraft II: Heart of the Swarm:

Bought it, played a little bit of it, just couldn't get into it and never played it since.

Every Call of Duty game past Modern Warfare 3:

I've got friends who are obsessed with these games and who don't stop playing them. I can't play these games any more because of how elitist my friends have become and how angry they get if they or/and their team does not do well. Plus every CoD game is pretty much the exact same crap we've seen over and over. There's nothing new.

Dead Rising games:

A massive zombie game sounds fun on paper but I hate all the repetitive escort missions and how dumb the A.I is. I also can't stand the boss battles and how difficult and cheap they are. I'm also not fond of the time limit.

Dragon Age games:

Despite my love for Mass Effect, I can't get into the Dragon Age games. Dragon Age: Inquisition looks awesome though, so I hope I might be able to get into that.

Pretty much every single sporting game that isn't MMA/UFC:

Sports really don't interest me. I don't watch any sports (with the exception of combat sports like judo, boxing, MMA etc). I don't play any sports except for judo. So any ball sport like football, baseball etc? They bore me, so the video games also bore me.

Halo games (with the exception of Halo 4, maybe):

I've never really been a fan of the Halo franchise, however I've always wanted to play Halo 4 because it looked very different compared to the previous Halo games.
The only two that spring to mind for me would have to be,

Darksiders- I was pretty excited for the game when it came out. Saw all the hype around the game and when I played it was pretty underwhelmed. I tried to slog through it, but just hated the control scheme and rather than waste more time with it, I gave up on it and traded it in. Which is something I almost never do as evidenced by my next game.

Demon's Souls- This was another game I was very excited for. I was instantly drawn in by the atmosphere of the game and by how different it was and for a while I was really into the game. But, after a while the game wore me down. I got tired of cheap death after cheap death, inching my way along. I finally gave up on the game, never finishing it. It is still sitting there collecting dust. I keep telling myself that one day I'll go back and finish it, but I don't know if I ever actually will. Whenever I fire up the ps3 there are about a dozen games that I find myself more interested in playing than that one. I never even bothered with the sequels.
^ I agree with Darksiders. I bought that game and it was really difficult to get into. The controls seemed fine but I just wasn't interested in the storyline or the actual game play. The overall presentation wasn't too crash hot either.
The Last of Us, one of the most overrated games to come out this generation.

And the sad part is due to gameplay issues and inconsistency over the actual story. Hell, we all like the characters and the story (even though Joel is the most evil man in gaming) because it tugs heartstrings and shows good character growth, but upon reflection the world, the entire predicament that these folks are in, breaks down in the final act due to stupid moves by stupid people.

It annoys me more that this game gets praise, when there are more worthy titles that deserve it, for different reasons each. I may not be the biggest fan of GTA V for example, because they basically lied to you all regarding their multiplayer shenanigans, but at least it was a more complete package than The Last of Us. And that is just one example.

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