Games that everyone else likes, but you don't.

Have you ever had a game that all of your friends, loved ones, and family members seem to adore, but you can't get into? Let's list those here and talk about why. Entertainment is subjective, we all like our own things. No one is right nor wrong to dislike something, opinions are not fact. If someone lists a game that you enjoy here, and lists a few reasons why they don't like it... don't get pissed. There isn't any reason to, that's just like, their opinion man.

Mine is Final Fantasy: A Realm Reborn. So many of my friends play it obsessively, and for various reasons. I personally don't see anything special about it. I don't see how it changes the MMO genre, I don't see that it does anything new or exciting. It's just... another MMO. I was bored to tears by it, and I quickly went back to my other MMOs that I play.

Also, Animal Crossing. I hate it, it's boring. I don't get what's exciting about it, I tried to play it based on GR's review, I played it for five minutes before deciding I disliked it intensely and I moved on.

Come on, folks, be brutally honest here. It isn't any fun unless you are.

Edit: Repost of original post because WickedLiquid used full-auto when he should have used semi-auto. :D
NecroWolf said:
Edit: Repost of original post because WickedLiquid used full-auto when he should have used semi-auto. :D

Ahem... anyway... Adding to my list.

Battlefield franchise

I love the 1942 and the Vietnam setting. But ever since they took it to the modern setting? It's weird. It's like the appeal got lost to me. First it was Battlefield 2 which i thought was a boring version of previous games but adding more up to date weapons then the third one which was for me, too much of a copy of Call of Duty. Even with all the destructible environment and the flying vehicle it felt like they were trying so hard to be the new modern warfare. What made the previous game fun? The themes i'll say. What was more fun then running up omaha beach with tanks? Or fighting vietcongs with jet planes? It's goofy when you think about it but add the orchestra music and 1960's jams, you actually got a memorable moments. The recent ones? It has its own appeal i guess but totally foreign to me now. I'll stick to Red Orchestra.

The Halo franchise

To this day, i still think of the Halo games like a 15 years old was trying to rewrite starship troopers but with more lasers and guns. I never got the appeal of a super soldier called Master chief that somehow inspires everyone around him for some not explained reason. It reminds me of this segment in the Conan play through where after he's been told of the plot, he screams out "GOD JUST SAY YOU GOTTA SHOOT ALIENS!". And when you do realize Halo is just about that... you realize there are better games doing better then that.

I am interested in the next halo game after hearing the recent news. Seems like they are trying to do a new approach to the game.

Devil may cry

"Whooo! look at me! i'm half naked and listen to (fake) hard rock! I'm so edgy and cool! Look at my cool sword and my cool guns. And check out my really dumb but cool one liner. And my cool girlfriend who wears a cool corset and cool high heels! And check out those cool badguys and cool settings... Did i mention that i am cool? Cause i tota... Oh crap! My girlfriend died! Quick, time to put on my drama face and make a memorable scene... awww crap."
Meanwhile, DMC has people with character development and vulnerability while also having decent voice acting and realistic emotions known as acting... Also dante wears a freakin' SHIRT. Getting slammed by fans cause "Old dante is better" and this one swears more. Let's see this again. Sorry, still like the new one better, especially in spanish.
^ Completely agree, regarding Devil May Cry.

I used to like Devil May Cry, I used to really like it. Over the years though you grow up a little and you grow out of certain things, like Devil May Cry.

Devil May Cry is all about "style" and trying to be "cool". I get that. But the non-existent storyline can be a bit annoying, especially how everything revolves around "Devils". Seriously, in the twelve episode anime series, Dante goes to a prison called "Devil's Prison" to fight demons because all the prison guards and staff are actually demons in disguise.

I admit, when DmC as first announced I wasn't happy with Dante's original new look. The short jacket, the "emo" hair style, smoking cigarettes, the really thin borderline druggy physique. It was terrible. At least with the fan feedback (rage) they changed Dante a little - longer coat, "punk" hair style, no smoking and a bigger, stronger physique he ended up looking a lot better. Furthermore, the game still managed to retain the "style" and "cool"-ness it's known for, while having an engaging storyline and actual character development. Shock horror.

I was very pleasantly surprised by DmC, and despite it not being officially "Devil May Cry", DmC is by far the best one of the lot. Also, the new black haired Dante? He's a better character than the original white haired Dante ever was.
^ They're the same damn person! He still has attitude, and has those one-liners that would make Arnie cringe. The only difference is he looks different.

I loved DmC, I played it until my thumbs fell off. Completed it on all difficulties, got all achievements - I've never done that with any DMC because I've never been bothered enough to do it. The soundtrack was immense, and that nightclub mission was the fucking balls. Best DmC to date. Plus, I loved how "logical" the fighting was. It made you think everytime, along with having to learn the enemy like previous titles.

Where were the both of yous when i defended this game against a horde of angry fanboys... ALONE! I still got scars on my chest to prove this!
Witcher 2

I want to love it, I know it's so highly regarded but the game feels so clunky to me. I like the story and the characters and the idea that your decisions truly affect the game really reaches out to me. I've tried twice to get into the game and each my interest just dies out. I recognize it's a great RPG, I guess not for me...

That said I do want to play Witcher 3

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