The 80's

I always thought Tiny had that creepy old guy vibe...

Longo_2_guns said:
I STILL watch Freakazoid!, Digimon, Justice League, and even the X-Men ones. Sure, they're flawed and childish, especially the X-Men/Spider-Man ones to an extent, but they're still damn good.

I want a can of hash, and some coffee.

I used to watch those too, not anymore though, since I've now found more entertaining "adult" television.

I, myself, am another child of the great year of 1987. All the best spawn were born in 87, its fact. Think about it, too young to properly remember the 80's, we were brought up in the 90's, and forced to face a new millennium with all the intelligence and know how of a 13 year old.

Must be that Super Soldier shot they gave all the babies in 87.
StickyGreenGamer said:
I always thought Tiny had that creepy old guy vibe....
Gee, thanks Sticky. Whatever happened to respect your elders? I am Twice your age after all. I got a cane and I ain’t afraid to use it on some disrespectful young kid. :spank2:

(For used and everybody else who can’t tell this is me joking around.)
tinymhg said:
StickyGreenGamer said:
I always thought Tiny had that creepy old guy vibe....
Gee, thanks Sticky. Whatever happened to respect your elders? I am Twice your age after all. I got a cane and I ain’t afraid to use it on some disrespectful young kid. :spank2:

(For used and everybody else who can’t tell this is me joking around.)

I'd honestly be surprised if you had the energy to actually do it. What, after all those years of walking uphill to school, both ways, 5 miles through the snow.

Go take a nap old man.
I don't understand how people can call themselves gamers and not show love for the 80's. Even if you hated the music, TV and movies we would not be where we are today without the NES. It's like saying you love horror/thrillers and not showing any love for Hitchcock. Someone already mentioned the great crash and how Nintendo brought life back into gaming so I won't get into it. So show your love you spoiled kids! :p














The NES came with TWO video games and both controllers. All for $100! It wasn't until N64 when Nintendo decided they were going to make kids buy extra controllers, and the N64 controller was retarded to begin with!

BTW, born in 1984
Double Dragon was awesome.

Because if you were a little bitch and played it on easy, it wouldn't let you play the whole game. It would pretty much tell you

"Hey, you suck at this game cause you play it on Easy, and you aren't good enough to beat the parts past this point, so we just aren't going to let you play it. Cause no person who sucks will ever beat our game. And you suck, cause you play on easy. Noob."

That's right, Double Dragon termed the coin noob.... *Shifty glances*
I got the 3 in 1 combo with my NES.

The NES plus Super Mario Bros, Duck Hunt, The Olympics game, two controllers, the light gun and the Power Pad! I don't know how much it was but it couldn't have been over $150.

I forget what the Olympics game was called, I think it was just Olympics.

EDIT, OMG, I just looked it up to find out what it was called. It's called Stadium Events and according to Wikipedia it's apparently one of the rarest video games of all time. A brand new copy sold for $22,800 :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

For the love of God I hope my mom didn't throw out any of my NES crap at home... Anyone wanna buy it off me before I try eBay? Bidding starts at $5,000 :D
StickyGreenGamer said:
I'd honestly be surprised if you had the energy to actually do it. What, after all those years of walking uphill to school, both ways, 5 miles through the snow.

Go take a nap old man.
I am a little sleepy. :yawn3:
Oh crap, how could I forget THE best show of the 80's (and early 90's)



As far as cartoons and movies go, the 80's was the end of an era... the era of originality.. The 90's ushered in a new wave of comedic cartoons like Animaniacs, Tiny Toons, Freakazoid, The Tick, etc. But it was also the beginning of the reboots. Don't have an original idea? Let's just reboot it! The 90's X-Men is definitely one of the best kids cartoons of that decade. But let's not forget before that there was an 80's X-Men cartoon. And Spider-man was already done in the 60's with one of the catchiest super-hero theme songs to date. TMNT, I'm afraid that was created in the 80's and simply carried on into the 90's. The only original action cartoon I can think of from the 90's was Batman. And don't get into all the Japanese crap that peaked in the late 90's. We're going for nostalgia here which is AT LEAST the mid 90's.

Agian, I'm not saying these show are in any way bad, they were indeed awesome shows. But eventually the whole idea of rebooting a series became the only option in films and we see it ALL THE FUCKING TIME. And now we've got reboots that aren't spectacular or extraordinary like X-Men. Now anything original that came from the 80's is rebooted into a piece of crap for kids to watch today. Sure, every few years we'll get Jurassic Park or The Matrix or Kill Bill or Inception. But in the mean time we have to sift through a sea of "been there, done that's".

The 80's was a time of originality, when movies were magical, frighting, outlandish but most of all FUN! And movie producers know this, which is why we have everything rebooted from the 80's. Like Friday the 13th to Indiana Jones to GI Joe to the Karate Kid to A-Team etc.. Jeez maybe that's why people who weren't alive in the 80's hate it so much? Because they're getting half-ass reboots of classics and kids today are going "wow, that was terrible, I hate the 80's".

And you might be thinking, at least they haven't touched the best of the best movies from the 80's. But just you wait... The day will come when we get remakes/reboots for Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Ghostbusters and Top Gun...

Oh God, I hope I'm wrong.
I totally agree with BlackStar. :)

Sure you can find three things from the 80's that were reboots. But you can name many many many more reboots from the 80's alone that we have today.

I never watched The Loan Ranger but I did see Tim Burton's Batman and Star Trek TNG. They were damn GOOD and very successful. Infact, I'd even say TNG is BETTER than the original Star Trek (just my opinion trekkies, not trying to start a war). And Burton's Batman is much better than Adam West's Batman, but that kinda goes without saying. And then Christopher Nolan's Batman is even better than Burton's movies. Batman is just friggin awesome like that and keeps getting better.

De-Ting said:
When you strike it rich...can you buy me a new original 60GB PS3? ....Please?

First I have to go home and make sure my mom didn't throw my NES/SNES/N64/PS1 stuff away or sell them :shock:

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