Star Wars: The Force Unleashed

So another overhyped game? Sheesh.

I heard Warhammer is comming out soon, I'd like to see how it turns out to be. :)
Guys, please don't topic hijack. This is about SW: The Force Unleashed, not Warhammer.
Force Unleashed will probably win the title of Most Disappointing Game this year. Although, there are still quite a few highly-anticipated games yet to come out.
May we all play play Blake's copy? :(

Shall be waiting for the price drop like others, since doing freelance work is just as profitable as I thought it would be...
used44 said:
Guys, please don't topic hijack. This is about SW: The Force Unleashed, not Warhammer.

Pardon, will keep it safe and clear, sir! No hijacking sir! :D

So ... I just read the review, it's seem nice and sparky, but doesn't deliver on the entertainment side for long? Star Wars: Force Unleashed I mean?
Duke_Ferris said:
i like force unleashed better than blake did. totally having fun playing his copy.

Duke, you're a man who has played jedi knight 2 and academy - how does it compare?
LinksOcarina said:
Longo_2_guns said:
Except God of War is waaaay better than all the other games. But, usually I don't like them too much.

I find it overrated, mainly because of the crappy platforming elements and the weak ass story.

And here is another source.

I am very surprised to be honest, I expected at most a B or B- for it.

I may have to disagree and agree with you. The story was weak but seeing what happens to Starkiller makes you sad sometimes. Then seeing what he can do with the force...tells you how much he have learn through his years
I played a bit of force unleash and..... it is good. The press was harsh with this title and it depends on the individual though...the copy of my friend have minor bugs but nothing mind blowing.
Well I completed it and replayed. So i decided to lift a blog post directly from my friends blog that i deface with my facile opinions sometimes. Here you are, if you want my two cents. It's important to note before reading that i did get a stormtrooper commander figurine free with this game....i haven't put the pic on here because of size, so thought I'd spell it out. Also the fourth paragraph has a small spoiler in mark it out for Gr.

I think there is a big video game critic cartel.

September 23rd, 2008 by malakian

If there isn’t, perhaps there’s another explanation as to why so regularly I have to deal with reams and reams of identical opinion. What’s particularly perturbing is how often said opinion evokes a feeling in me only akin to having copies of batman: Vengeance thrown at my eyes for 10 minutes a pop. Hello by the way. Welcome to this centuries copy of The Encounter. You may think this entry is sporadic and extremely late, but our readers from Greenland will tell you that weekly editions have (since the last internet post) been dispatched by town crier, and the feedback shows the heralds were very well received over there. They like that kind of thing. Sorry to the rest of you, but retro methods are cool, right? Of course they are! Anything retro is! Just take a walk through Camden town; you’ll see three trendy ladies shooting up bubonic plague at any time of day! Let’s do this shit.

Crivvens! The logo we all know and love! I hear your cries! Or perhaps they’re from Archa’s hot sister, whom I’ve kidnapped…Either way, I hear some cries. Anyway, Fear not, there is no heinous mistake – this is a special stormtrooper commander figurine edition of TEWDIT. It’s great to have a new friend. I’m pretty sure Ultra Magnus will get along with him. I’m just hoping the three Lego men will be welcoming. Still, I’ll work out my own friendship problems in my own time – I should tell you how we met!

It was a rocky start for me and Mr Trooper. We weren’t always friends. When we first met I was buying Lucasarts’ latest console tour de force (lol) Star Wars: the Force Unleashed. While I was paying I noticed the bag handed to me was a little bigger than usual, but for some reason didn’t think much of it until I was on the bus with my fellow university students. Then I took a look in the bag, and, before considering the reaction my peers might have, pulled the man you see before you out. Now in hindsight I know the sniggers, pointing and yells of ‘what a big twat’ must have been intense jealousy of my awesome pal, but at the time I hurried him back into my bag. I was ashamed. I didn’t want to be seen cavorting with a man a small fraction of my size! Still, fate had brought us together, so I decided to break the ice. ‘Hey stormtrooper commander figurine, have you read about this game? It’s got digital molecular matter, and the reviewers are saying the storytelling is fantastic! Well beyond anything the prequel trilogy could offer!’

It didn’t take many small beers before I realised I was hanging out with a pretty neat guy. All my preconceptions had gone out the window, a bit like when Edward Norton is in prison in American history X. The rich tapestry of my new pal’s character didn’t take long to dwarf that of the force unleashed’s protagonist. The sparse dialogue, vacant looks and one dimensionality of this guy are astounding. Stormtrooper commander did such a funny impression of him at one point, just staring forward blankly. I guess it was pretty easy for him as he’s made of plastic, but oh man, I was in FITS. We laughed together as the pseudo-deepening plot seemed to be being weaved around him by all the other characters’ acting, and desperate attempts to make out he was more important/relevant than he was. As stormtrooper put it, “it’s like imagining Noddy Holder running into the Houses of Parliament and being taken seriously in a debate on NHS fundingâ€

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