Yes yes yes yes yes! (Force Unleashed)

All in all a cool demo.
And a must have game.
I got a Playstation 3 so I tried their demo.
And I found the controlls to be a bit dodgy, it was not allways easy to lock on to one specifik crate or stormtrooper.

I completed it with all the three difficulties, and only at the highest difficulty I found the game to be fun. Since on the lower ones, it was too easy.
The massive amount of stormtroopers were just annoying and barely made a scratch on me.

Actually on the highest difficulty it was only the AT-ST that could kill me.
But I found out if you stand at a distance and just throw stuff at it for some time, to then run up to it and press Square X Square which makes Starkiller slice the AT-ST in half.
It looks cool, but I hope the game will be a bit more challenging and the controls perhaps be fine tuned in a patch or pre-release :)

But I am going to buy it either way, it is awesome :)
awesome demo, its like jedi knight ii: jedi outcast all over again, but in god of war style!

and to be fair, i love both those games, so i will definitely be buying this one
unctarheels said:
Yeah I Just played through the demo, and.... I don't think there were enough Yes's in the title to describe how awesome it was.

Fuck you.

I apologise, the only reason I said that is because a) I'm rather drunk (Peroni, wooo!) and b) because I can't get the demo for a few days unless I pay for Gold, and I don't want to do that... nuff said.

Played it thought it was good. Its not going to be a ground breaking game but everything works as it should. I kind of wish the groups of enimies were a bit larger, it would show off the the force and light sabre control better.
I was surprised that the game has a T rating. So no blood. Still it is fun when they grab onto each other and you sling around with them.

It is far from groundbreaking as a game, perhaps in technology that they combined all those technologies.

But still a good and fun demo, I have played it now a couple of time on all difficulties.
I am looking forward an epic battle with vader at the end.... which result in Vader's victory in awesome epic glory!
crazycracker22 said:
Light sabers cauterize the wound noob. Both of you make me sick.

True, but the limbs don't come off. I can see how a saber lash being instant kill could break the game a bit thats meant to be focused on force powers but still hitting a stormtrooper a couple of times with a lightsaber before he drops doesn't feel quite right.

Other then that though it was an awesome demo. It'll be cool to see how much your powers level up.

I was going to get it for the 360 but don't have gold atm then remember my PS3. Still not sure which console to get the game on usually I side with 360.
Bah, just another reason why I need to be disciplined enough to save the $$$ to buy a 360. Being a poor college student sucks.

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