Silent hills series.....

GhostTrip said:
I don't know why people bash Silent Hill 3. I found it to be much scarier then the first 2. Sure, the story isn't as good but I've never felt as paranoid in a game as I did in that damn hospital.

The first time I played it I didn't like it. Too short and then when I found out their were only two endings (not counting the joke ending) and one of them was crap I was upset. However, over time I grew to love the game. It certainly is the best looking game of the series (which is saying a lot since SH4 obviously came out afterwards) and Douglas is one of my favorite characters from the series.

On another note, I just completed Silent Hill Origins! The music was it's highpoint, which is to be expected since it's the same composer. The story was impressive to be honest. I was expecting something on par with SH4 but got a decent prequal. Granted, it does open up a big plot hole which I won't spoil but it does try it's best to tie into the first game.
I've got Origins on order right now.

I JUST found out it was ported to the PS2. I haven't been keeping on top of my SH news lately :P

Supposedly Origins and SH5 were supposed to step back to the feeling SH2 had... plus anything Akira Yamaoka puts his musical hands on is going to be genius, aurally.
I think you'll enjoy uit quite a bit MC. Just go in with low expectations like I did and you'll be pleasently surprised.

I know you probably don't want to read anything about the game but you should know that their is a lot of fighting to be done. Many monsters reappear after collecting any item or key so expect to keep your guard up.

They do mix in the psychological SH2 elements into a story that sets up the first game. And while it's not as good as any of the frst three games it is certianly much better then part 4.

Like I said though, a couple stupid plot holes which I'll discuss with you after you beat it :P
At the rate I play games, expect that in 2-3 years :P

Seriously, I'm currently playing SH2, Kuon and The X Files: Resist or Serve. I've got Tomb Raider Anniversary, Siren, and a couple of others ahead in the queue, although Origins would get priority :)

Plus I am ashamed to admit, but I've technically never finished SH4. I gave up right at the very end when I just got too pissed off at the game. Some day I'll start it over again from the beginning with a bit more patience...

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