Remeber guys, better games outrank better graphics.


One thing I notice that people take into account during the next generation of consoles is how the graphics play out.

Now, I don't know anything about graphics and cell chips and all those gizmos that make the console run. But since when has that ever been a buig issue?

I'd rather pick a console with better games then a console with better graphics. A game might look beautiful, but if the gameplay sucks then I'm not going to like it.

Bottom Line: Graphics don't mean squat!
Hey, unless you have something valid to contribute to a decent discussion topic, don't post.


PS. if you hadn't noticed I'm heavily moderating this topic.
I love you guys. :)
Hellfire1014 said:
Your just finding this out now? Thanks....your opinion is like two years late.


oh come on - you dont notice the growing trend for people to get their hands on the "better equiped" graphical masterpieces? Why do these consoles tend to be the consoles that realease a score fo pretty crappppppy games :?

Not very observant are you now?
Try telling that to my friend who dropped $400 on a video card then buys/downloads games and turns on all the cheats so he can beat the game in as little time as possible, just so he can ogle the graphics.

PS-I do agree with you, however. I'm still playing games like Age of Empires II and Call of Duty.
Also, better gameplay out ranks the story. Sure, there are some games out there that have brilliant stories (I'm sure you know what I'm talknig about) but if a game has horrible gameplay then it's not worth it.

Take a look at the game 24. Excellent story, it could've been another season of the show it was so well done, but the game play just down right sucks and therefore the game is crap. Then their's Devil May Cry, one of the worst stories ever with corny dialouge and laughable voice acting. But the game is so fun to play that you don't care about the story.
This is why Silent Hill, Tomb Raider and Astrosmash will always have a special place in my heart.




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