Ubisoft criticizes Sony, Praises Nintendo


The creative director of Ubisoft Montreal had harsh words for Sony during an E3 workshop focusing on next-generation game design.

Clint Hocking, the creative director behind titles such as Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory explained how he was disappointed by Sony's attempts to copy technologies from the other consoles. After referring to Sony's mimicking of Xbox Live, and then duplicating components of Nintendo's motion sensitive controller, Hocking paused in frustration.

"How much more 'me too' can [Sony] be?," he asked.

Earlier in the discussion Hocking attacked the industry's strategy to up the ante in visuals significantly with each console.

It's a "fundamental problem of approach" to continue to push for stronger graphics, he said. He argued such an approach puts game developers in situations where they have to be factory workers. Assemble art texture here, model texture shades here. Repeat.

Further, Hocking claimed the adoption rate of high-definition televisions is so low, that the approach wastes resources on art that many customers won't even appreciate.

At the conclusion of the workshop, Hocking applauded Wii's new controller interface. If it can meet the technical accuracy promised by Nintendo, it can open up the creative minds of game designers, he said. While graphics may add emotion, Wii's new controller interface is more likely to bring emotion directly to the player.

Even developers are saying something bad about the PS3 now.

PlagiarismStation 3
Sony tries to copy things that look good on other systems, remember Killzone? Problem is most of the time it just doesnt work for them.

Still Sony have brought a lot to gaming over the last ten years.
Jeeze what idiots. Everything is 'inspired' from something else. Even Nintendos controller, or powerglove WAS 'inspired' from something somewhere.

Give me a break, nothing is original, because everything has inspiration from something.

Simsy said:
^ Like what?

Complete backwards compatiblity

That different disc composition (silver to blue-black) I remember that had something to do with disc space and run time and such.

Multiple functioning consoles, (entertainment system),[ DvDs, CDs, et cetera].

Sony can't contribute to actual games, but their console technology over the last ten years is notable.
If anything Sony has stolen more than all 3 companies, they acted like they were the ones to first have the motion-sensors and stole alot from Live.
xbox live?

Do you really, honestly realize what you're talking about? it's MICROSOFT.

They're the biggest theives in the computer market. Don't even begin to try to paint Bill Gates as an angelically inspired genuis. Please.

I just named three features they were the first to exhibit in their consoles.

And imitating technological advancements is the name of the game-but who does it better? Apparently Sony. end of story.

Xbox live is a spin off of Bill Gates trying to make more money. I own an xbox, because xbox was great for online play. I only a PS2 because of it's titles and it's general gameplay and varity.

Don't go getting fanboy here. fanboy do nothing but make their favored company look worse.

Microsoft is no newcomer to stealing technology-and computer/video gaming industry is based off of finding and exploiting new technologies. It wouldn't be much of a market where things like xbox live actual operation (i.e. 110010100100111010010100101001110101011010) cannot be imitated lawfully.
When something works, there is no sense not to use it.

So let's not get our panties in a bunch girls. This is consumerism.
This is the machine, welcome to it.

Microsoft steals stuff, yes, but sony steals as well. This year, they are more blunt about it.
You guys act like companies shouldn't share and develop new technologies. Should every medicine be developed from scratch? Should every television have completely original internal components?

These new technologies are what is advancing gaming.. why shouldn't they be cross-console where they can be enjoyed by more people, and progressed in more ways? Sony may be using it as a bit of a gimmick, but they shouldn't be demonized for using a somewhat similar technology as Nintendo.
I was more annoyed that Sony hadnt actually changed the shape of it's controller to something more comfortable....just because the PS2 sold more then the other systems doesn't mean the controller was a better design as alluded too in the Sony press conference.....

I mean the PS2 only had 2 controller ports, and sold more systems then that Xbox and GCN which both had 4....does that mean 2 controller ports are better then 4? Seriously Sony needs to make a change to it's design...and not one thats just out there to look different (like their attempted Boomarang design).

If Sony didn't take its copying so seriously I wouldn't have minded at all, if they just went "well xbox LIVE was a pretty good idea, and Nintendo's new Wii controller is something new and exciting...we here at Sony are going to take the best of all worlds and throw it into our console" then I'ld at least give em points for honestly. Ofcourse MS have stolen ideas, and it took a great amount of effort for me to even trust the original Xbox in the first place...but I'm struggling with Sony at the moment....they've got a powerful system there with a kickass disc format and a few major 3rd party titles....but I've been growing apart from them for years and I can't quite finger why.

I really liked the statement made by...Peter Moore I believe, that people are going to buy the 360 and Wii...it was quite refreshing to see someone from Microsoft actually complementing Nintendo....admitting that gamers can actually own both systems (and likely for the cost of one PS3).

I'll most likely get all of them regardless, but still.

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