Relationships in games (possible spoilers)

Oddest relationships stuck between?

Jason Brody(He has fucking "Bro" in his name)

Liza Snow

Citra Talugmai (Spoiler: She practically rapes you and then murders you)
Which brings me to the most fucked up relationship

She literally does rape you. She also fucks with your head and scares the piss out of me.
De-Ting said:

^ This.

But I do agree, the makeshift father/daughter relationship shared between Lee and Clementine is one of the best things I have ever seen in video game story telling.

Another one that I liked was Joker and EDI in Mass Effect 2.

Spoiler: I really liked the beginning of Mass Effect 2 how Joker hates the idea of EDI (the artificial intelligence onboard the ship) then they just bond and it's awesome. Mass Effect 3 makes it a little weird though...
For sure Mass Effect has some of the best relationships.

First play through I romanced ashley(What a terrible decision. Like marrying your Jr High girlfriend)

Second character I romanced Tali(Shes still my favorite "Induction port?.... Thats a straw tali" "Emergency Induction Port"- Tali)

and third I romanced Liara(Which actually turned to be a really amazing romance as well)

If I could have romanced EDI I would have. The romance with joker fits really well with the theme of redeeming the relationship with the geth and the synthesis ending.

As much as I have played the mass effect series to death(One character for each class) I look back and cant help but want to overlook all the bad parts of those games. I guess you could say that is love.

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