Red Dead Redemption

So... anyone play this game willing to offer their opinion?
I know it is getting great reviews, but it is a Rockstar game and critics will eat shit from their hands and still give it a perfect score.

Is it worth buying? Does the rural setting get old quick, or is it balanced out by the small little towns you run in to?

Basically, is the game worth plopping down 60 bucks?
I picked it up and have been playing it all day. There's a lot more content than in GTA4, and you can once again change outfits!! Of course instead of buying them you have to do crazy stuff to unlock them. It only runs in 720P but it's a beautiful game so far, and the engine is really impressive. Its frame rate is also much faster than GTA4's.

You can get lost in the sidequests again, to an extent. I'd recommend it. Then again, ask me in three or four days when the novelty of a new game has worn off and my opinion may change, it sometimes does.
Yeah, I'm planning on picking up this game as soon as possible. I'm hearing to many good things from friends and around the internet.

Like Donkey riding.

If anyone is not embarrassed to play a game or two, I'd be down for it, multiplayer looks fantastic.
can you run missions in multiplayer? does the multiplayer have a story in the free roam mode or is it just about getting xp?
Dragging people behind your horse with a lasso never gets old. A store-owner got robbed in the town I was in, so I chased the guy down on my horse and lassoed him. I figured it would just waste time to hog-tie him since I was just outside of town, so I decided to drag his ass back to the store-owner. Unfortunately, I turned a little too sharply while dragging him back so my "passenger" was quickly jerked to the left and slammed into a large rock, killing him. I was never happier to fail a sidequest. This game kicks so much ass, go buy it.
Fucking last time I preorder a game from Walmart, even if it does have a $20 gift card...

In other news, IT FINALLY ARRIVED!

Mike, we're playing on Saturday. All Saturday.
It was online! I didn't have to go in one or anything.

But that also brought up the problem of sloooow ass shipping.

Plus, $20 credit. Don't mock me.
I traded it in alot at gamestop and was give bucks short, I lierally broke down right then and there and cried
Just got my order from GameStop, I haven't played much of story mode since I feel like badass playing poker.

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