Question for bacon lovers


Whats your favorite Kevin Bacon movie?

Seriously though...
Have you ever sugared and peppered your bacon before cooking it? If not try it next time you cook bacon. That is all.

oh wait, you mean the food? Yeah i realize adding paprika at the end while it still fizzle adds some extra flavor.
Candied meat is lovely, what are you talking about. I mean, it has its place.

I like bacon pretty plain. I also hate salty bacon. Thank you.
On a related note, has anyone else ever tried Beggin' Strips?

I tell ya, Shaggy wasn't so weird after all.
Bacon is only famous, because of Epic Meal Time. On that note, I had bacon flavored gum before. It smelled like smoked bacon, but the taste was nasty.
Wild Things.

I mean, uh, brown sugar yeah. Throw some bacon and brown sugar on a baking sheet full of brussels sprouts and a little bit of oil, pinch of salt. Blammo.
used44 said:
Wild Things.

I mean, uh, brown sugar yeah. Throw some bacon and brown sugar on a baking sheet full of brussels sprouts and a little bit of oil, pinch of salt. Blammo.
brussel sprouts are nasty.
Add some bacon bits to your mac n cheese. You went from good to amazing just like that.

My favorite is to add some bacon strips to a grilled cheese sandwich. Sooooo good.

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